Source code for abcpy.transformers

import numpy as np

# these transformers are used in the MCMC inference scheme, in order to run MCMC of an unbounded transformed space in
# case the original space is bounded. It therefore also implements the jacobian terms which appear in the acceptance
# rate.

[docs]class BoundedVarTransformer: """ This scaler implements both lower bounded and two sided bounded transformations according to the provided bounds; """
[docs] def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound): # upper and lower bounds can be both scalar or array-like with size the size of the variable self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound if not hasattr(lower_bound, "shape") or not hasattr(upper_bound, "shape"): raise RuntimeError("Provided lower and upper bounds need to be arrays.") elif hasattr(lower_bound, "shape") and hasattr(upper_bound, "shape") and lower_bound.shape != upper_bound.shape: raise RuntimeError("Provided lower and upper bounds need to have same shape.") # note that == None checks if the array is None element wise. self.unbounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.equal(lower_bound, None), np.equal(upper_bound, None)) self.lower_bounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.not_equal(lower_bound, None), np.equal(upper_bound, None)) self.upper_bounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.equal(lower_bound, None), np.not_equal(upper_bound, None)) self.two_sided_bounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.not_equal(lower_bound, None), np.not_equal(upper_bound, None)) if self.upper_bounded_vars.any(): raise NotImplementedError("We do not yet implement the transformation for upper bounded random variables") self.lower_bound_lower_bounded = self.lower_bound[self.lower_bounded_vars].astype("float32") self.lower_bound_two_sided = self.lower_bound[self.two_sided_bounded_vars].astype("float32") self.upper_bound_two_sided = self.upper_bound[self.two_sided_bounded_vars].astype("float32")
[docs] @staticmethod def logit(x): return np.log(x) - np.log(1 - x)
def _check_data_in_bounds(self, x): if np.any(x[self.lower_bounded_vars] <= self.lower_bound_lower_bounded): raise RuntimeError("The provided data are out of the bounds.") if (x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] <= self.lower_bound[self.two_sided_bounded_vars]).any() or ( x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] >= self.upper_bound_two_sided).any(): raise RuntimeError("The provided data is out of the bounds.") def _apply_nonlinear_transf(self, x): # apply the different scalers to the different kind of variables: x_transf = x.copy() x_transf[self.lower_bounded_vars] = np.log(x[self.lower_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_lower_bounded) x_transf[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = self.logit( (x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_two_sided) / ( self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided)) return x_transf @staticmethod def _array_from_list(x): return np.array(x).reshape(-1) @staticmethod def _list_from_array(x_arr, x): # transforms the array x to the list structure that contains x x_new = [None] * len(x) for i in range(len(x)): if isinstance(x[i], np.ndarray): x_new[i] = np.array(x_arr[i].reshape(x[i].shape)) else: x_new[i] = x_arr[i] return x_new
[docs] def transform(self, x): """Scale features of x according to feature_range. Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data that will be transformed. Returns ------- Xt : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Transformed data. """ # convert data to array: x_arr = self._array_from_list(x) # need to check if we can apply the log first: self._check_data_in_bounds(x_arr) # we transform the data with the log transformation: x_arr = self._apply_nonlinear_transf(x_arr) # convert back to the list structure: x = self._list_from_array(x_arr, x) return x
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, x): """Undo the scaling of x according to feature_range. Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data that will be transformed. It cannot be sparse. Returns ------- Xt : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Transformed data. """ # now apply the inverse transform x_arr = self._array_from_list(x) inv_x = x_arr.copy() inv_x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = (self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided) * np.exp( x_arr[self.two_sided_bounded_vars]) / (1 + np.exp( x_arr[self.two_sided_bounded_vars])) + self.lower_bound_two_sided inv_x[self.lower_bounded_vars] = np.exp(x_arr[self.lower_bounded_vars]) + self.lower_bound_lower_bounded # convert back to the list structure: inv_x = self._list_from_array(inv_x, x) return inv_x
[docs] def jac_log_det(self, x): """Returns the log determinant of the Jacobian: log |J_t(x)|. Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data, living in the original space (with lower bound constraints). Returns ------- res : float log determinant of the jacobian """ x = self._array_from_list(x) self._check_data_in_bounds(x) results = np.zeros_like(x) results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = np.log( (self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided).astype("float64") / ( (x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_two_sided) * ( self.upper_bound_two_sided - x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars]))) results[self.lower_bounded_vars] = - np.log(x[self.lower_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_lower_bounded) return np.sum(results)
[docs] def jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x): """Returns the log determinant of the Jacobian evaluated in the inverse transform: log |J_t(t^{-1}(x))| = - log |J_{t^{-1}}(x)| Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data, living in the transformed space (spanning the whole R^d). Returns ------- res : float log determinant of the jacobian evaluated in t^{-1}(x) """ x = self._array_from_list(x) results = np.zeros_like(x) results[self.lower_bounded_vars] = - x[self.lower_bounded_vars] # two sided: need some tricks to avoid numerical issues: results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = - np.log( self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided) indices = x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] < 100 # for avoiding numerical overflow res_b = np.copy(x)[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] res_b[indices] = np.log(1 + np.exp(x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars][indices])) results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] += res_b indices = x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] > - 100 # for avoiding numerical overflow res_c = np.copy(- x)[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] res_c[indices] = np.log(1 + np.exp(- x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars][indices])) results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] += res_c # res = res_b + res_c - res_a return np.sum(results)
[docs]class DummyTransformer: """Dummy transformer which does nothing, and for which the jacobian is 1"""
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def transform(self, x): return x
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, x): return x
[docs] def jac_log_det(self, x): return 0
[docs] def jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x): return 0