Source code for abcpy.backends.base

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class Backend(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ This is the base class for every parallelization backend. It essentially resembles the map/reduce API from Spark. An idea for the future is to implement a MPI version of the backend with the hope to be more complient with standard HPC infrastructure and a potential speed-up. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def parallelize(self, list): """ This method distributes the list on the available workers and returns a reference object. The list should be split into number of workers many parts. Each part should then be sent to a separate worker node. Parameters ---------- list: Python list the list that should get distributed on the worker nodes Returns ------- PDS class (parallel data set) A reference object that represents the parallelized list """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def broadcast(self, object): """ Send object to all worker nodes without splitting it up. Parameters ---------- object: Python object An abitrary object that should be available on all workers Returns ------- BDS class (broadcast data set) A reference to the broadcasted object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def map(self, func, pds): """ A distributed implementation of map that works on parallel data sets (PDS). On every element of pds the function func is called. Parameters ---------- func: Python func A function that can be applied to every element of the pds pds: PDS class A parallel data set to which func should be applied Returns ------- PDS class a new parallel data set that contains the result of the map """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def collect(self, pds): """ Gather the pds from all the workers, send it to the master and return it as a standard Python list. Parameters ---------- pds: PDS class a parallel data set Returns ------- Python list all elements of pds as a list """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PDS: """ The reference class for parallel data sets (PDS). """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BDS: """ The reference class for broadcast data set (BDS). """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def value(self): """ This method should return the actual object that the broadcast data set represents. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BackendDummy(Backend): """ This is a dummy parallelization backend, meaning it doesn't parallelize anything. It is mainly implemented for testing purpose. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def parallelize(self, python_list): """ This actually does nothing: it just wraps the Python list into dummy pds (PDSDummy). Parameters ---------- python_list: Python list Returns ------- PDSDummy (parallel data set) """ return PDSDummy(python_list)
[docs] def broadcast(self, object): """ This actually does nothing: it just wraps the object into BDSDummy. Parameters ---------- object: Python object Returns ------- BDSDummy class """ return BDSDummy(object)
[docs] def map(self, func, pds): """ This is a wrapper for the Python internal map function. Parameters ---------- func: Python func A function that can be applied to every element of the pds pds: PDSDummy class A pseudo-parallel data set to which func should be applied Returns ------- PDSDummy class a new pseudo-parallel data set that contains the result of the map """ result_map = map(func, pds.python_list) result_pds = PDSDummy(list(result_map)) return result_pds
[docs] def collect(self, pds): """ Returns the Python list stored in PDSDummy Parameters ---------- pds: PDSDummy class a pseudo-parallel data set Returns ------- Python list all elements of pds as a list """ return pds.python_list
[docs]class PDSDummy(PDS): """ This is a wrapper for a Python list to fake parallelization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, python_list): self.python_list = python_list
[docs]class BDSDummy(BDS): """ This is a wrapper for a Python object to fake parallelization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, object): self.object = object
[docs] def value(self): return self.object