Source code for abcpy.perturbationkernel

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from abcpy.probabilisticmodels import Continuous

[docs]class PerturbationKernel(metaclass = ABCMeta): """This abstract base class represents all perturbation kernels"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, models): """ Parameters ---------- models: list The list of abcpy.probabilisticmodel objects that should be perturbed by this kernel. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate_cov(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index): """ Calculates the covariance matrix for the kernel. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.acceptedparametersmanager object The accepted parameters manager that manages all bds objects. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels of the joint perturbation kernel. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: The covariance matrix for the kernel. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self, accepted_parameters_manager, row_index, rng): """ Perturbs the parameters for this kernel. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.acceptedparametersmanager object The accepted parameters manager that manages all bds objects. row_index: integer The index of the accepted parameters bds that should be perturbed. rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: The perturbed parameters. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pdf(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, row_index, x): """ Calculates the pdf of the kernel at point x. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.acceptedparametersmanager object The accepted parameters manager that manages all bds objects. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels of the joint perturbation kernel. row_index: integer The index of the accepted parameters bds for which the pdf should be evaluated. x: list or float The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float: The pdf evaluated at point x. """ if(isinstance(self, DiscreteKernel)): return self.pmf(accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, row_index, x) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ContinuousKernel(metaclass = ABCMeta): """This abstract base class represents all perturbation kernels acting on continuous parameters."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def pdf(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, index, x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class DiscreteKernel(metaclass = ABCMeta): """This abstract base class represents all perturbation kernels acting on discrete parameters."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def pmf(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, index, x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class JointPerturbationKernel(PerturbationKernel):
[docs] def __init__(self, kernels): """ This class joins different kernels to make up the overall perturbation kernel. Any user-implemented perturbation kernel should derive from this class. Any kernels defined on their own should be joined in the end using this class. Parameters ---------- kernels: list List of abcpy.PerturbationKernels """ self._check_kernels(kernels) self.kernels = kernels
[docs] def calculate_cov(self, accepted_parameters_manager): """ Calculates the covariance matrix corresponding to each kernel. Commonly used before calculating weights to avoid repeated calculation. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object The AcceptedParametersManager to be uesd. Returns ------- list Each entry corresponds to the covariance matrix of the corresponding kernel. """ all_covs = [] for kernel_index, kernel in enumerate(self.kernels): all_covs.append(kernel.calculate_cov(accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index)) return all_covs
def _check_kernels(self, kernels): """ Checks whether each model is only used in one perturbation kernel. Commonly called from the constructor. Parameters ---------- kernels: list List of abcpy.PertubationKernels """ models = [] for kernel in kernels: for model in kernel.models: for already_contained_model in models: if(already_contained_model==model): raise ValueError("No two kernels can perturb the same probabilistic model.") models.append(model)
[docs] def update(self, accepted_parameters_manager, row_index, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Perturbs the parameter values contained in accepted_parameters_manager. Commonly used while perturbing. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object Defines the AcceptedParametersManager to be used. row_index: integer The index of the row that should be considered from the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list The list contains tupels. Each tupel contains as the first entry a probabilistic model and as the second entry the perturbed parameter values corresponding to this model. """ perturbed_values = [] # Perturb values according to each kernel defined for kernel_index, kernel in enumerate(self.kernels): perturbed_values.append(kernel.update(accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, row_index, rng=rng)) perturbed_values_including_models = [] # Match the results from the perturbations and their models for kernel_index, kernel in enumerate(self.kernels): index=0 for model in kernel.models: model_values = [] for j in range(model.get_output_dimension()): model_values.append(perturbed_values[kernel_index][index]) index+=1 perturbed_values_including_models.append((model, model_values)) return perturbed_values_including_models
[docs] def pdf(self, mapping, accepted_parameters_manager, index, x): """ Calculates the overall pdf of the kernel. Commonly used to calculate weights. Parameters ---------- mapping: list Each entry is a tupel of which the first entry is a abcpy.ProbabilisticModel object, the second entry is the index in the accepted_parameters_bds list corresponding to an output of this model. accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object The AcceptedParametersManager to be used. index: integer The row to be considered in the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. x: The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The pdf evaluated at point x. """ result = 1. for kernel_index, kernel in enumerate(self.kernels): # Define a list containing the parameter values relevant to the current kernel theta = [] for kernel_model in kernel.models: for model, model_output_index in mapping: if(kernel_model==model): theta.append(x[model_output_index]) theta = np.array(theta) result*=kernel.pdf(accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, index, theta) return result
[docs]class MultivariateNormalKernel(PerturbationKernel, ContinuousKernel): """This class defines a kernel perturbing the parameters using a multivariate normal distribution."""
[docs] def __init__(self, models): self.models = models
[docs] def calculate_cov(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index): """ Calculates the covariance matrix relevant to this kernel. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels of the joint kernel. Returns ------- list The covariance matrix corresponding to this kernel. """ if(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_weights_bds is not None): weights = accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_weights_bds.value() cov = np.cov(np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float), aweights=weights.reshape(-1).astype(float), rowvar=False) else: if(not(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_parameters_bds.value().shape[1]>1)): cov = np.var(np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float)) else: cov = np.cov(np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float), rowvar=False) return cov
[docs] def update(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, row_index, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Updates the parameter values contained in the accepted_paramters_manager using a multivariate normal distribution. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object Defines the AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels in the joint kernel. row_index: integer The index of the row that should be considered from the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- np.ndarray The perturbed parameter values. """ # Get all current parameter values relevant for this model continuous_model_values = accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index] # Perturb continuous_model_values = np.array(continuous_model_values).astype(float) cov = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_cov_mats_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float) perturbed_continuous_values = rng.multivariate_normal(continuous_model_values[row_index], cov) return perturbed_continuous_values
[docs] def pdf(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, index, x): """Calculates the pdf of the kernel. Commonly used to calculate weights. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object The AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels in the joint kernel. index: integer The row to be considered in the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. x: The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The pdf evaluated at point x. """ # Gets the relevant accepted parameters from the manager in order to calculate the pdf mean = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index][index]).astype(float) cov = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_cov_mats_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float) return multivariate_normal(mean, cov, allow_singular=True).pdf(x)
[docs]class MultivariateStudentTKernel(PerturbationKernel, ContinuousKernel):
[docs] def __init__(self, models, df): """This class defines a kernel perturbing the parameters using a multivariate normal distribution. Parameters ---------- models: list of abcpy.probabilisticmodel objects The models that should be perturbed using this kernel df: integer The degrees of freedom to be used. """ self.models = models self.df = df
[docs] def calculate_cov(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index): """ Calculates the covariance matrix relevant to this kernel. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels of the joint kernel. Returns ------- list The covariance matrix corresponding to this kernel. """ if(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_weights_bds is not None): weights = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_weights_bds.value()) cov = np.cov( np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float), aweights=weights.reshape(-1).astype(float), rowvar=False) else: if(not(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_parameters_bds.value().shape[1]>1)): cov = np.var(np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float)) else: cov = np.cov(np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float), rowvar=False) return cov
[docs] def update(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, row_index, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Updates the parameter values contained in the accepted_paramters_manager using a multivariate normal distribution. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object Defines the AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels in the joint kernel. row_index: integer The index of the row that should be considered from the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- np.ndarray The perturbed parameter values. """ # Get all parameters relevant to this kernel continuous_model_values = accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index] # Perturb continuous_model_values = np.array(continuous_model_values) cov = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_cov_mats_bds.value()[kernel_index]) p = len(continuous_model_values[row_index]) if(self.df==np.inf): chisq = 1.0 else: chisq = rng.chisquare(self.df, 1)/self.df chisq = chisq.reshape(-1,1).repeat(p, axis=1) mvn = rng.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(p), cov.astype(float), 1) perturbed_continuous_values = continuous_model_values[row_index]+np.divide(mvn, np.sqrt(chisq))[0] return perturbed_continuous_values
[docs] def pdf(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, index, x): """Calculates the pdf of the kernel. Commonly used to calculate weights. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object The AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels in the joint kernel. index: integer The row to be considered in the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. x: The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The pdf evaluated at point x. """ mean = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index][index]).astype(float) cov = np.array(accepted_parameters_manager.accepted_cov_mats_bds.value()[kernel_index]).astype(float) v = self.df p = len(mean) numerator = gamma((v + p) / 2) denominator = gamma(v / 2) * pow(v * np.pi, p / 2.) * np.sqrt(abs(np.linalg.det(cov))) normalizing_const = numerator / denominator tmp = 1 + 1 / v * - mean), np.linalg.inv(cov)), (x - mean)) density = normalizing_const * pow(tmp, -((v + p) / 2.)) return density
[docs]class RandomWalkKernel(PerturbationKernel, DiscreteKernel):
[docs] def __init__(self, models): """ This class defines a kernel perturbing discrete parameters using a naive random walk. Parameters ---------- models: list List of abcpy.ProbabilisticModel objects """ self.models = models
[docs] def update(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, row_index, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Updates the parameter values contained in the accepted_paramters_manager using a random walk. Parameters ---------- accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object Defines the AcceptedParametersManager to be used. row_index: integer The index of the row that should be considered from the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- np.ndarray The perturbed parameter values. """ # Get parameter values relevant to this kernel discrete_model_values = accepted_parameters_manager.kernel_parameters_bds.value()[kernel_index] perturbed_discrete_values = [] discrete_model_values = np.array(discrete_model_values)[row_index] # Implement a random walk for the discrete parameter values for discrete_value in discrete_model_values: perturbed_discrete_values.append(rng.randint(discrete_value - 1, discrete_value + 2)) return perturbed_discrete_values
[docs] def calculate_cov(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index): """ Calculates the covariance matrix of this kernel. Since there is no covariance matrix associated with this random walk, it returns an empty list. """ return []
[docs] def pmf(self, accepted_parameters_manager, kernel_index, index, x): """ Calculates the pmf of the kernel. Commonly used to calculate weights. Parameters ---------- cov: list The covariance matrix used for this kernel. This is a dummy input. accepted_parameters_manager: abcpy.AcceptedParametersManager object The AcceptedParametersManager to be used. kernel_index: integer The index of the kernel in the list of kernels of the joint kernel. index: integer The row to be considered in the accepted_parameters_bds matrix. x: The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The pmf evaluated at point x. """ return 1./3
[docs]class DefaultKernel(JointPerturbationKernel):
[docs] def __init__(self, models): """ This class implements a kernel that perturbs all continuous parameters using a multivariate normal, and all discrete parameters using a random walk. To be used as an example for user defined kernels. Parameters ---------- models: list List of abcpy.ProbabilisticModel objects, the models for which the kernel should be defined. """ continuous_models = [] discrete_models = [] for model in models: if(isinstance(model, Continuous)): continuous_models.append(model) else: discrete_models.append(model) continuous_kernel = MultivariateNormalKernel(continuous_models) discrete_kernel = RandomWalkKernel(discrete_models) if(not(continuous_models)): super(DefaultKernel, self).__init__([discrete_kernel]) elif(not(discrete_models)): super(DefaultKernel, self).__init__([continuous_kernel]) else: super(DefaultKernel, self).__init__([continuous_kernel, discrete_kernel])