4. Parallelization Backends¶
Using Parallelization Backends¶
Running ABC algorithms is often computationally expensive, thus ABCpy is built with parallelization in mind. In order to run your inference schemes in parallel on multiple nodes (computers) you can choose from the following backends.
Using the MPI Backend¶
To run ABCpy in parallel using MPI, one only needs to use the provided MPI backend. Using the same example as before, the statements for the backend have to be changed to
from abcpy.backends import BackendMPI as Backend
backend = Backend()
# The above line is equivalent to:
# backend = Backend(process_per_model=1)
# Notice: Models not parallelized by MPI should not be given process_per_model > 1
In words, one only needs to initialize an instance of the MPI backend. The number of ranks to spawn are specified at runtime through the way the script is run. A minimum of two ranks is required, since rank 0 (master) is used to orchestrate the calculation and all other ranks (workers) actually perform the calculation. (The default value of process_per_model is 1. If your simulator model is not parallelized using MPI, do not specify process_per_model > 1. The use of process_per_model for nested parallelization will be explained below.)
The standard way to run the script using MPI is directly via mpirun like below or on a cluster through a job scheduler like Slurm:
mpirun -np 4 python3 pmcabc_gaussian.py
The adapted Python code can be found in examples/backend/mpi/pmcabc_gaussian.py.
Nested-MPI parallelization for MPI-parallelized simulator models¶
Sometimes, the simulator model itself has large compute requirements and needs parallelization. To achieve this parallelization using threads, the MPI backend need to be configured such that each MPI rank can spawn multiple threads on a node. However, there might be situations where node-local parallelization using threads is not sufficient and parallelization across nodes is required.
Parallelization of the forward model across nodes is possible but limited to the MPI backend. Technically, this is implemented using individual MPI communicators for each forward model. The number of ranks per communicator (defined as: process_per_model) can be passed at the initialization of the backend as follows:
from abcpy.backends import BackendMPI as Backend
backend = Backend(process_per_model=2)
Here each model is assigned a MPI communicator with 2 ranks. Clearly, the MPI job has to be configured manually such that the total amount of MPI ranks is ideally a multiple of the ranks per communicator plus one additional rank for the master. For example, if we want to run n instances of a MPI model and allows m processes to each instance, we will have to spawn (n*m)+1 ranks.
For forward_simulation of the MPI-parallelized simulator model has to be able to take an MPI communicator as a parameter.
An example of an MPI-parallelized simulator model, which can be used with ABCpy nested-parallelization, can be found in examples/backend/mpi/mpi_model_inferences.py. The forward_simulation function of the above model is as follows:
def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState, mpi_comm=None):
if mpi_comm is None:
ValueError('MPI-parallelized simulator model needs to have access \
to a MPI communicator object')
#print("Start Forward Simulate on rank {}".format(mpi_comm.Get_rank()))
rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank()
# Extract the input parameters
mu = input_values[rank]
sigma = 1
# Do the actual forward simulation
vector_of_k_samples = np.array(rng.normal(mu, sigma, k))
# Send everything back to rank 0
data = mpi_comm.gather(vector_of_k_samples, root=0)
# Format the output to obey API and broadcast it before return
result = None
if rank == 0:
result = [None] * k
for i in range(k):
element0 = data[0][i]
element1 = data[1][i]
point = np.array([element0, element1])
result[i] = point
result = [np.array([result[i]]).reshape(-1, ) for i in range(k)]
#print("End forward sim on master")
return result
#print("End forward sim on workers")
return None
Note that in order to run jobs in parallel you need to have MPI installed on the system(s) in question with the requisite Python bindings for MPI (mpi4py). The dependencies of the MPI backend can be install with pip install -r requirements/backend-mpi.txt.
Details on the installation can be found on the official Open MPI homepage and the mpi4py homepage. Further, keep in mind that the ABCpy library has to be properly installed on the cluster, such that it is available to the Python interpreters on the master and the worker nodes.
Using the Spark Backend¶
To run ABCpy in parallel using Apache Spark, one only needs to use the provided Spark backend. Considering the example from before, the statements for the backend have to be changed to
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
from abcpy.backends import BackendSpark as Backend
backend = Backend(sc, parallelism=4)
In words, a Spark context has to be created and passed to the Spark backend. Additionally, the level of parallelism can be provided, which defines in a sense in how many blocks the work should be split up. It corresponds to the parallelism of an RDD in Apache Spark terminology. A good value is usually a small multiple of the total number of available cores.
The standard way to run the script on Spark is via the spark-submit command:
PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3 spark-submit pmcabc_gaussian.py
Often Spark installations use Python 2 by default. To make Spark use the required Python 3 interpreter, the PYSPARK_PYTHON environment variable can be set.
The adapted python code can be found in examples/backend/apache_spark/pmcabc_gaussian.py.
Note that in order to run jobs in parallel you need to have Apache Spark installed on the system in question. The dependencies of the spark backend can be install with pip install -r requirements/backend-spark.txt.
Details on the installation can be found on the official homepage. Further, keep in mind that the ABCpy library has to be properly installed on the cluster, such that it is available to the Python interpreters on the master and the worker nodes.
Using Cluster Infrastructure¶
When your model is computationally expensive and/or other factors require compute infrastructure that goes beyond a single notebook or workstation you can easily run ABCpy on infrastructure for cluster or high-performance computing.
Running on Amazon Web Services¶
We show with high level steps how to get ABCpy running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Please note, that this is not a complete guide to AWS, so we would like to refer you to the respective documentation. The first step would be to setup a AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) cluster which comes with the option of a pre-configured Apache Spark. Then, we show how to run a simple inference code on this cluster.
Setting up the EMR Cluster¶
When we setup an EMR cluster we want to install ABCpy on every node of the cluster. Therefore, we provide a bootstrap script that does this job for us. On your local machine create a file named emr_bootstrap.sh with the following content:
sudo yum -y install git
sudo pip-3.4 install ipython findspark abcpy
In AWS go to Services, then S3 under the Storage Section. Create a new bucket called abcpy and upload your bootstrap script emr_bootstap.sh.
To create a cluster, in AWS go to Services and then EMR under the Analytics Section. Click ‘Create Cluster’, then choose ‘Advanced Options’. In Step 1 choose the emr-5.7.0 image and make sure only Spark is selected for your cluster (the other software packages are not required). In Step 2 choose for example one master node and 4 core nodes (16 vCPUs if you have 4 vCPUs instances). In Step 3 under the boostrap action, choose custom, and select the script abcpy/emr_bootstrap.sh. In the last step (Step 4), choose a key to access the master node (we assume that you already setup keys). Start the cluster.
Running ABCpy on AWS¶
Log in via SSH and run the following commands to get an example code from ABCpy running with Python3 support:
sudo bash -c 'echo export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python34 >> /etc/spark/conf/spark-env.sh'
git clone https://github.com/eth-cscs/abcpy.git
Then, to submit a job to the Spark cluster we run the following commands:
cd abcpy/examples/backends/
spark-submit --num-executors 16 pmcabc_gaussian.py
Clearly the setup can be extended and optimized. For this and basic information we refer you to the AWS documentation on EMR.