Source code for abcpy.NN_utilities.datasets

import warnings

import numpy as np
import torch
from import Dataset


[docs]class Similarities(Dataset): """A dataset class that considers a set of samples and pairwise similarities defined between them. Note that, for our application of computing distances, we are not interested in train/test split. """
[docs] def __init__(self, samples, similarity_matrix, device): """ Parameters: samples: n_samples x n_features similarity_matrix: n_samples x n_samples """ if isinstance(samples, np.ndarray): self.samples = torch.from_numpy(samples.astype("float32")).to(device) else: self.samples = if isinstance(similarity_matrix, np.ndarray): self.similarity_matrix = torch.from_numpy(similarity_matrix.astype("int")).to(device) else: self.similarity_matrix =
def __getitem__(self, index): """Return the required sample along with the similarities of the sample with all the others.""" return self.samples[index], self.similarity_matrix[index] def __len__(self): return self.samples.shape[0]
[docs]class SiameseSimilarities(Dataset): """ This class defines a dataset returning pairs of similar and dissimilar examples. It has to be instantiated with a dataset of the class Similarities """
[docs] def __init__(self, similarities_dataset, positive_weight=None): """If positive_weight=None, then for each sample we pick another random element to form a pair. If positive_weight is a number (in [0,1]), we will pick positive samples with that probability (if there are some).""" self.dataset = similarities_dataset self.positive_weight = positive_weight self.samples = similarities_dataset.samples self.similarity_matrix = similarities_dataset.similarity_matrix
def __getitem__(self, index): """If self.positive_weight is None, or if the sample denoted by index has no similar elements, choose another random sample to build the pair. If instead self.positive_weight is a number, choose a similar element with that probability. """ if self.positive_weight is None or (torch.sum(self.similarity_matrix[index]) < 2): # sample a new index different from the present one siamese_index = index while siamese_index == index: siamese_index = np.random.choice(range(self.samples.shape[0])) target = self.similarity_matrix[index, siamese_index] else: # pick positive target with probability self.positive_weight target = int(np.random.uniform() < self.positive_weight) if target: # sample a new index different from the present one siamese_index = index while siamese_index == index: siamese_index = np.random.choice(np.where(self.similarity_matrix[index].cpu())[0]) else: # sample a new index different from the present one. This would not be necessary in theory, # as a sample is always similar to itself. # Leave this check anyway, to avoid problems in case the dataset is not perfectly defined. siamese_index = index while siamese_index == index: siamese_index = np.random.choice(np.where(self.similarity_matrix[index].cpu() == False)[0]) return (self.samples[index], self.samples[siamese_index]), target def __len__(self): return self.samples.shape[0]
[docs]class TripletSimilarities(Dataset): """ This class defines a dataset returning triplets of anchor, positive and negative examples. It has to be instantiated with a dataset of the class Similarities. """
[docs] def __init__(self, similarities_dataset, ): self.dataset = similarities_dataset self.samples = similarities_dataset.samples self.similarity_matrix = similarities_dataset.similarity_matrix
def __getitem__(self, index): # sample a new index different from the present one if torch.sum(self.similarity_matrix[index]) < 2: # then we pick a new sample that has at least one similar example warnings.warn("Sample {} in the dataset has no similar samples. \nIncrease the quantile defining the" " similarity matrix to avoid such problems.\nExecution will continue taking another sample " "instead of that as anchor.".format(index), RuntimeWarning) new_anchor = index while new_anchor == index: new_anchor = np.random.randint(0, self.dataset.__len__()) # if this other sample does not have a similar one as well -> sample another one. if torch.sum(self.similarity_matrix[new_anchor]) < 2: new_anchor = index index = new_anchor positive_index = index while positive_index == index: # this loops indefinitely if some sample has no other similar samples! positive_index = np.random.choice(np.where(self.similarity_matrix[index].cpu())[0]) # sample a new index different from the present one. This would not be necessary in theory, # as a sample is always similar to itself. # Leave this check anyway, to avoid problems in case the dataset is not perfectly defined. negative_index = index while negative_index == index: negative_index = np.random.choice(np.where(self.similarity_matrix[index].cpu() == False)[0]) return (self.samples[index], self.samples[positive_index], self.samples[negative_index]), [] def __len__(self): return self.samples.shape[0]
[docs]class ParameterSimulationPairs(Dataset): """A dataset class that consists of pairs of parameters-simulation pairs, in which the data contains the simulations, with shape (n_samples, n_features), and targets contains the ground truth of the parameters, with shape (n_samples, 2). Note that n_features could also have more than one dimension here. """
[docs] def __init__(self, simulations, parameters, device): """ Parameters: simulations: (n_samples, n_features) parameters: (n_samples, 2) """ if simulations.shape[0] != parameters.shape[0]: raise RuntimeError("The number of simulations must be the same as the number of parameters.") if isinstance(simulations, np.ndarray): self.simulations = torch.from_numpy(simulations.astype("float32")).to(device) else: self.simulations = if isinstance(parameters, np.ndarray): self.parameters = torch.from_numpy(parameters.astype("float32")).to(device) else: self.parameters =
def __getitem__(self, index): """Return the required sample along with the ground truth parameter.""" return self.simulations[index], self.parameters[index] def __len__(self): return self.parameters.shape[0]