Source code for abcpy.statisticslearning

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from sklearn import linear_model

from abcpy.acceptedparametersmanager import *
from abcpy.graphtools import GraphTools
# import dataset and networks definition:
from abcpy.statistics import LinearTransformation

# Different torch components
    import torch
except ImportError:
    has_torch = False
    has_torch = True
    from abcpy.NN_utilities.networks import createDefaultNN
    from abcpy.statistics import NeuralEmbedding

from abcpy.NN_utilities.algorithms import FP_nn_training, triplet_training, contrastive_training
from abcpy.NN_utilities.utilities import compute_similarity_matrix

# TODO: there seems to be issue when n_samples_per_param >1. Check that. Should you modify the _sample_parameters-statistics function?

[docs]class StatisticsLearning(metaclass=ABCMeta): """This abstract base class defines a way to choose the summary statistics. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, n_samples=1000, n_samples_per_param=1, parameters=None, simulations=None, seed=None): """The constructor of a sub-class must accept a non-optional model, statistics calculator and backend which are stored to self.model, self.statistics_calc and self.backend. Further it accepts two optional parameters n_samples and seed defining the number of simulated dataset used for the pilot to decide the summary statistics and the integer to initialize the random number generator. This __init__ takes care of sample-statistics generation, with the parallelization; however, you can choose to provide simulations and corresponding parameters that have been previously generated, with the parameters `parameters` and `simulations`. Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple to be generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. n_samples_per_param: int, optional Number of data points in each simulated data set. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. Default to 1. parameters: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters) that is used, together with `simulations` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `simulations`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. simulations: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, output_size) that is used, together with `parameters` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `parameters`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. """ if (parameters is None) != (simulations is None): raise RuntimeError("parameters and simulations need to be provided together.") self.model = model self.statistics_calc = statistics_calc self.backend = backend self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) self.n_samples_per_param = n_samples_per_param self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if parameters is None: # then also simulations is None'Generation of data...') self.logger.debug("Definitions for parallelization.") # An object managing the bds objects self.accepted_parameters_manager = AcceptedParametersManager(self.model) self.accepted_parameters_manager.broadcast(self.backend, []) self.logger.debug("Map phase.") # main algorithm seed_arr = self.rng.randint(1, n_samples * n_samples, size=n_samples, dtype=np.int32) rng_arr = np.array([np.random.RandomState(seed) for seed in seed_arr]) rng_pds = self.backend.parallelize(rng_arr) self.logger.debug("Collect phase.") sample_parameters_statistics_pds =, rng_pds) sample_parameters_and_statistics = self.backend.collect(sample_parameters_statistics_pds) sample_parameters, sample_statistics = [list(t) for t in zip(*sample_parameters_and_statistics)] sample_parameters = np.array(sample_parameters) self.sample_statistics = np.concatenate(sample_statistics) self.logger.debug("Reshape data") # reshape the sample parameters; so that we can also work with multidimensional parameters self.sample_parameters = sample_parameters.reshape((n_samples, -1)) # now reshape the statistics in the case in which several n_samples_per_param > 1, and repeat the array with # the parameters so that the regression algorithms can work on the pair of arrays. Maybe there are smarter # ways of doing this. self.sample_statistics = self.sample_statistics.reshape(n_samples * self.n_samples_per_param, -1) self.sample_parameters = np.repeat(self.sample_parameters, self.n_samples_per_param, axis=0)'Data generation finished.') else: # do all the checks on dimensions: if not isinstance(parameters, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(simulations, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("parameters and simulations need to be numpy arrays.") if len(parameters.shape) != 2: raise RuntimeError("parameters have to be a 2-dimensional array") if len(simulations.shape) != 2: raise RuntimeError("parameters have to be a 2-dimensional array") if simulations.shape[0] != parameters.shape[0]: raise RuntimeError("parameters and simulations need to have the same first dimension") # if all checks are passed: self.sample_statistics = self.statistics_calc.statistics( [simulations[i] for i in range(simulations.shape[0])]) self.sample_parameters = parameters"The statistics will be learned using the provided data and parameters")
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['backend'] return state
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_statistics(self): """ This should return a statistics object that implements the learned transformation. Returns ------- abcpy.statistics.Statistics object a statistics object that implements the learned transformation. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _sample_parameter_statistics(self, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """Function that generates (parameter, statistics). It is mapped to the different workers during data generation. """ self.sample_from_prior(rng=rng) parameter = self.get_parameters() y_sim = self.simulate(self.n_samples_per_param, rng=rng) if y_sim is not None: statistics = self.statistics_calc.statistics(y_sim) return parameter, statistics
[docs]class Semiautomatic(StatisticsLearning, GraphTools): """This class implements the semi automatic summary statistics learning technique described in Fearnhead and Prangle [1]. [1] Fearnhead P., Prangle D. 2012. Constructing summary statistics for approximate Bayesian computation: semi-automatic approximate Bayesian computation. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B 74:419–474. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, n_samples=1000, n_samples_per_param=1, parameters=None, simulations=None, seed=None): """ Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple to be generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. n_samples_per_param: int, optional Number of data points in each simulated data set. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. parameters: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters) that is used, together with `simulations` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `simulations`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. simulations: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, output_size) that is used, together with `parameters` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `parameters`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. """ # the sampling is performed by the init of the parent class super(Semiautomatic, self).__init__(model, statistics_calc, backend, n_samples, n_samples_per_param, parameters=parameters, simulations=simulations, seed=seed)'Learning of the transformation...') self.coefficients_learnt = np.zeros(shape=(self.sample_parameters.shape[1], self.sample_statistics.shape[1])) regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True) for ind in range(self.sample_parameters.shape[1]):, self.sample_parameters[:, ind]) self.coefficients_learnt[ind, :] = regr.coef_"Finished learning the transformation.")
[docs] def get_statistics(self): """ Returns an abcpy.statistics.LinearTransformation Statistics implementing the learned transformation. Returns ------- abcpy.statistics.LinearTransformation object a statistics object that implements the learned transformation. """ return LinearTransformation(np.transpose(self.coefficients_learnt), previous_statistics=self.statistics_calc)
[docs]class StatisticsLearningNN(StatisticsLearning, GraphTools): """This is the base class for all the statistics learning techniques involving neural networks. In most cases, you should not instantiate this directly. The actual classes instantiate this with the right arguments. In order to use this technique, Pytorch is required to handle the neural networks. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, training_routine, distance_learning, embedding_net=None, n_samples=1000, n_samples_per_param=1, parameters=None, simulations=None, seed=None, cuda=None, quantile=0.1, **training_routine_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. training_routine: function training routine to train the network. It has to take as first and second arguments the matrix of simulations and the corresponding targets (or the similarity matrix if `distance_learning` is True). It also needs to have as keyword parameters embedding_net and cuda. distance_learning: boolean this has to be True if the statistics learning technique is based on distance learning, in which case the __init__ computes the similarity matrix. embedding_net: torch.nn object or list it can be a torch.nn object with input size corresponding to size of model output, alternatively, a list with integer numbers denoting the width of the hidden layers, from which a fully connected network with that structure is created, having the input and output size corresponding to size of model output and number of parameters. In case this is None, the depth of the network and the width of the hidden layers is determined from the input and output size as specified in abcpy.NN_utilities.networks.DefaultNN. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple to be generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. n_samples_per_param: int, optional Number of data points in each simulated data set. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. Default to 1. parameters: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters) that is used, together with `simulations` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `simulations`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. simulations: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, output_size) that is used, together with `parameters` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `parameters`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. cuda: boolean, optional If cuda=None, it will select GPU if it is available. Or you can specify True to use GPU or False to use CPU quantile: float, optional quantile used to define the similarity set if distance_learning is True. Default to 0.1. training_routine_kwargs: additional kwargs to be passed to the underlying training routine. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define device if not has_torch: raise ImportError( "Pytorch is required to instantiate an element of the {} class, in order to handle " "neural networks. Please install it. ".format(self.__class__.__name__)) # set random seed for torch as well: if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) if cuda is None: cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() elif cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available: # if the user requested to use GPU but no GPU is there cuda = False self.logger.warning( "You requested to use GPU but no GPU is available! The computation will proceed on CPU.") self.device = "cuda" if cuda and torch.cuda.is_available else "cpu" if self.device == "cuda": self.logger.debug("We are using GPU to train the network.") else: self.logger.debug("We are using CPU to train the network.") # this handles generation of the data (or its formatting in case the data is provided to the Semiautomatic # class) super(StatisticsLearningNN, self).__init__(model, statistics_calc, backend, n_samples, n_samples_per_param, parameters, simulations, seed)'Learning of the transformation...') # Define Data target, simulations_reshaped = self.sample_parameters, self.sample_statistics if distance_learning: self.logger.debug("Computing similarity matrix...") # define the similarity set similarity_set = compute_similarity_matrix(target, quantile) self.logger.debug("Done") # now setup the default neural network or not if isinstance(embedding_net, torch.nn.Module): self.embedding_net = embedding_net self.logger.debug('We use the provided neural network') elif isinstance(embedding_net, list) or embedding_net is None: # therefore we need to generate the neural network given the list. The following function returns a class # of NN with given input size, output size and hidden sizes; then, need () to instantiate the network self.embedding_net = createDefaultNN(input_size=simulations_reshaped.shape[1], output_size=target.shape[1], hidden_sizes=embedding_net)() self.logger.debug('We generate a default neural network') if cuda: self.embedding_net.cuda() self.logger.debug('We now run the training routine') if distance_learning: self.embedding_net = training_routine(simulations_reshaped, similarity_set, embedding_net=self.embedding_net, cuda=cuda, **training_routine_kwargs) else: self.embedding_net = training_routine(simulations_reshaped, target, embedding_net=self.embedding_net, cuda=cuda, **training_routine_kwargs)"Finished learning the transformation.")
[docs] def get_statistics(self): """ Returns a NeuralEmbedding Statistics implementing the learned transformation. Returns ------- abcpy.statistics.NeuralEmbedding object a statistics object that implements the learned transformation. """ return NeuralEmbedding(net=self.embedding_net, previous_statistics=self.statistics_calc)
# the following classes subclass the base class StatisticsLearningNN with different training routines
[docs]class SemiautomaticNN(StatisticsLearningNN): """This class implements the semi automatic summary statistics learning technique as described in Jiang et al. 2017 [1]. In order to use this technique, Pytorch is required to handle the neural networks. [1] Jiang, B., Wu, T.Y., Zheng, C. and Wong, W.H., 2017. Learning summary statistic for approximate Bayesian computation via deep neural network. Statistica Sinica, pp.1595-1618. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, embedding_net=None, n_samples=1000, n_samples_per_param=1, parameters=None, simulations=None, seed=None, cuda=None, batch_size=16, n_epochs=200, load_all_data_GPU=False, lr=1e-3, optimizer=None, scheduler=None, start_epoch=0, verbose=False, optimizer_kwargs={}, scheduler_kwargs={}, loader_kwargs={}): """ Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. embedding_net: torch.nn object or list it can be a torch.nn object with input size corresponding to size of model output and output size corresponding to the number of parameters or, alternatively, a list with integer numbers denoting the width of the hidden layers, from which a fully connected network with that structure is created, having the input and output size corresponding to size of model output and number of parameters. In case this is None, the depth of the network and the width of the hidden layers is determined from the input and output size as specified in abcpy.NN_utilities.networks.DefaultNN. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple to be generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. n_samples_per_param: int, optional Number of data points in each simulated data set. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. Default to 1. parameters: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters) that is used, together with `simulations` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `simulations`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. simulations: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, output_size) that is used, together with `parameters` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `parameters`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. cuda: boolean, optional If cuda=None, it will select GPU if it is available. Or you can specify True to use GPU or False to use CPU batch_size: integer, optional the batch size used for training the neural network. Default is 16 n_epochs: integer, optional the number of epochs used for training the neural network. Default is 200 load_all_data_GPU: boolean, optional If True and if we a GPU is used, the whole dataset is loaded on the GPU before training begins; this may speed up training as it avoid transfer between CPU and GPU, but it is not guaranteed to do. Note that if the dataset is not small enough, setting this to True causes things to crash if the dataset is too large. Default to False, you should not rely too much on this. lr: float, optional The learning rate to be used in the iterative training scheme of the neural network. Default to 1e-3. optimizer: torch Optimizer class, optional A torch Optimizer class, for instance `SGD` or `Adam`. Default to `Adam`. Additional parameters may be passed through the `optimizer_kwargs` parameter. scheduler: torch _LRScheduler class, optional A torch _LRScheduler class, used to modify the learning rate across epochs. By default, no scheduler is used. Additional parameters may be passed through the `scheduler_kwargs` parameter. start_epoch: integer, optional If a scheduler is provided, for the first `start_epoch` epochs the scheduler is applied to modify the learning rate without training the network. From then on, the training proceeds normally, applying both the scheduler and the optimizer at each epoch. Default to 0. verbose: boolean, optional if True, prints more information from the training routine. Default to False. optimizer_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the optimizer. scheduler_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the scheduler. loader_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the loader (that handles loading the samples from the dataset during the training phase). """ super(SemiautomaticNN, self).__init__(model, statistics_calc, backend, FP_nn_training, distance_learning=False, embedding_net=embedding_net, n_samples=n_samples, n_samples_per_param=n_samples_per_param, parameters=parameters, simulations=simulations, seed=seed, cuda=cuda, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, load_all_data_GPU=load_all_data_GPU, lr=lr, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, start_epoch=start_epoch, verbose=verbose, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, scheduler_kwargs=scheduler_kwargs, loader_kwargs=loader_kwargs)
[docs]class TripletDistanceLearning(StatisticsLearningNN): """This class implements the statistics learning technique by using the triplet loss [1] for distance learning as described in Pacchiardi et al. 2019 [2]. In order to use this technique, Pytorch is required to handle the neural networks. [1] Schroff, F., Kalenichenko, D. and Philbin, J., 2015. Facenet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 815-823). [2] Pacchiardi, L., Kunzli, P., Schoengens, M., Chopard, B. and Dutta, R., 2019. Distance-learning For Approximate Bayesian Computation To Model a Volcanic Eruption. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.13118. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, embedding_net=None, n_samples=1000, n_samples_per_param=1, parameters=None, simulations=None, seed=None, cuda=None, quantile=0.1, batch_size=16, n_epochs=200, load_all_data_GPU=False, margin=1., lr=None, optimizer=None, scheduler=None, start_epoch=0, verbose=False, optimizer_kwargs={}, scheduler_kwargs={}, loader_kwargs={}): """ Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. embedding_net: torch.nn object or list it can be a torch.nn object with input size corresponding to size of model output (output size can be any); alternatively, a list with integer numbers denoting the width of the hidden layers, from which a fully connected network with that structure is created, having the input and output size corresponding to size of model output and number of parameters. In case this is None, the depth of the network and the width of the hidden layers is determined from the input and output size as specified in abcpy.NN_utilities.networks.DefaultNN. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple to be generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. n_samples_per_param: int, optional Number of data points in each simulated data set. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. Default to 1. parameters: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters) that is used, together with `simulations` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `simulations`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. simulations: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, output_size) that is used, together with `parameters` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `parameters`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. cuda: boolean, optional If cuda=None, it will select GPU if it is available. Or you can specify True to use GPU or False to use CPU quantile: float, optional quantile used to define the similarity set if distance_learning is True. Default to 0.1. batch_size: integer, optional the batch size used for training the neural network. Default is 16 n_epochs: integer, optional the number of epochs used for training the neural network. Default is 200 load_all_data_GPU: boolean, optional If True and if we a GPU is used, the whole dataset is loaded on the GPU before training begins; this may speed up training as it avoid transfer between CPU and GPU, but it is not guaranteed to do. Note that if the dataset is not small enough, setting this to True causes things to crash if the dataset is too large. Default to False, you should not rely too much on this. margin: float, optional margin defining the triplet loss. The larger it is, the further away dissimilar samples are pushed with respect to similar ones. Default to 1. lr: float, optional The learning rate to be used in the iterative training scheme of the neural network. Default to 1e-3. optimizer: torch Optimizer class, optional A torch Optimizer class, for instance `SGD` or `Adam`. Default to `Adam`. Additional parameters may be passed through the `optimizer_kwargs` parameter. scheduler: torch _LRScheduler class, optional A torch _LRScheduler class, used to modify the learning rate across epochs. By default, no scheduler is used. Additional parameters may be passed through the `scheduler_kwargs` parameter. start_epoch: integer, optional If a scheduler is provided, for the first `start_epoch` epochs the scheduler is applied to modify the learning rate without training the network. From then on, the training proceeds normally, applying both the scheduler and the optimizer at each epoch. Default to 0. verbose: boolean, optional if True, prints more information from the training routine. Default to False. optimizer_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the optimizer. scheduler_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the scheduler. loader_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the loader (that handles loading the samples from the dataset during the training phase). """ super(TripletDistanceLearning, self).__init__(model, statistics_calc, backend, triplet_training, distance_learning=True, embedding_net=embedding_net, n_samples=n_samples, n_samples_per_param=n_samples_per_param, parameters=parameters, simulations=simulations, seed=seed, cuda=cuda, quantile=quantile, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, load_all_data_GPU=load_all_data_GPU, margin=margin, lr=lr, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, start_epoch=start_epoch, verbose=verbose, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, scheduler_kwargs=scheduler_kwargs, loader_kwargs=loader_kwargs)
[docs]class ContrastiveDistanceLearning(StatisticsLearningNN): """This class implements the statistics learning technique by using the contrastive loss [1] for distance learning as described in Pacchiardi et al. 2019 [2]. In order to use this technique, Pytorch is required to handle the neural networks. [1] Hadsell, R., Chopra, S. and LeCun, Y., 2006, June. Dimensionality reduction by learning an invariant mapping. In 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'06) (Vol. 2, pp. 1735-1742). IEEE. [2] Pacchiardi, L., Kunzli, P., Schoengens, M., Chopard, B. and Dutta, R., 2019. Distance-learning For Approximate Bayesian Computation To Model a Volcanic Eruption. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.13118. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, embedding_net=None, n_samples=1000, n_samples_per_param=1, parameters=None, simulations=None, seed=None, cuda=None, quantile=0.1, batch_size=16, n_epochs=200, positive_weight=None, load_all_data_GPU=False, margin=1., lr=None, optimizer=None, scheduler=None, start_epoch=0, verbose=False, optimizer_kwargs={}, scheduler_kwargs={}, loader_kwargs={}): """ Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. embedding_net: torch.nn object or list it can be a torch.nn object with input size corresponding to size of model output (output size can be any); alternatively, a list with integer numbers denoting the width of the hidden layers, from which a fully connected network with that structure is created, having the input and output size corresponding to size of model output and number of parameters. In case this is None, the depth of the network and the width of the hidden layers is determined from the input and output size as specified in abcpy.NN_utilities.networks.DefaultNN. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple to be generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. n_samples_per_param: int, optional Number of data points in each simulated data set. This is ignored if `simulations` and `parameters` are provided. Default to 1. parameters: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters) that is used, together with `simulations` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `simulations`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. simulations: array, optional A numpy array with shape (n_samples, output_size) that is used, together with `parameters` to fit the summary selection learning algorithm. It has to be provided together with `parameters`, in which case no other simulations are performed. Default value is None. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. cuda: boolean, optional If cuda=None, it will select GPU if it is available. Or you can specify True to use GPU or False to use CPU quantile: float, optional quantile used to define the similarity set if distance_learning is True. Default to 0.1. batch_size: integer, optional the batch size used for training the neural network. Default is 16 n_epochs: integer, optional the number of epochs used for training the neural network. Default is 200 positive_weight: float, optional The contrastive loss samples pairs of elements at random, and if the majority of samples are labelled as dissimilar, the probability of considering similar pairs is small. Then, you can set this value to a number between 0 and 1 in order to sample positive pairs with that probability during training. load_all_data_GPU: boolean, optional If True and if we a GPU is used, the whole dataset is loaded on the GPU before training begins; this may speed up training as it avoid transfer between CPU and GPU, but it is not guaranteed to do. Note that if the dataset is not small enough, setting this to True causes things to crash if the dataset is too large. Default to False, you should not rely too much on this. margin: float, optional margin defining the contrastive loss. The larger it is, the further away dissimilar samples are pushed with respect to similar ones. Default to 1. lr: float, optional The learning rate to be used in the iterative training scheme of the neural network. Default to 1e-3. optimizer: torch Optimizer class, optional A torch Optimizer class, for instance `SGD` or `Adam`. Default to `Adam`. Additional parameters may be passed through the `optimizer_kwargs` parameter. scheduler: torch _LRScheduler class, optional A torch _LRScheduler class, used to modify the learning rate across epochs. By default, no scheduler is used. Additional parameters may be passed through the `scheduler_kwargs` parameter. start_epoch: integer, optional If a scheduler is provided, for the first `start_epoch` epochs the scheduler is applied to modify the learning rate without training the network. From then on, the training proceeds normally, applying both the scheduler and the optimizer at each epoch. Default to 0. verbose: boolean, optional if True, prints more information from the training routine. Default to False. optimizer_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the optimizer. scheduler_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the scheduler. loader_kwargs: Python dictionary, optional dictionary containing optional keyword arguments for the loader (that handles loading the samples from the dataset during the training phase). """ super(ContrastiveDistanceLearning, self).__init__(model, statistics_calc, backend, contrastive_training, distance_learning=True, embedding_net=embedding_net, n_samples=n_samples, n_samples_per_param=n_samples_per_param, parameters=parameters, simulations=simulations, seed=seed, cuda=cuda, quantile=quantile, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, positive_weight=positive_weight, load_all_data_GPU=load_all_data_GPU, margin=margin, lr=lr, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, start_epoch=start_epoch, verbose=verbose, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, scheduler_kwargs=scheduler_kwargs, loader_kwargs=loader_kwargs)