Source code for abcpy.distances

import numpy as np
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from glmnet import LogitNet
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

from abcpy.utils import wass_dist

[docs]class Distance(metaclass=ABCMeta): """This abstract base class defines how the distance between the observed and simulated data should be implemented. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc): """The constructor of a sub-class must accept a non-optional statistics calculator as a parameter; then, it must call the __init__ method of the parent class. This ensures that the object is initialized correctly so that the _calculate_summary_stat private method can be called when computing the distances. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. """ self.statistics_calc = statistics_calc # Since the observations do always stay the same, we can save the # summary statistics of them and not recalculate it each time self.s1 = None self.data_set = None self.dataSame = False
[docs] @abstractmethod def distance(self, d1, d2): """To be overwritten by any sub-class: should calculate the distance between two sets of data d1 and d2 using their respective statistics. Usually, calling the _calculate_summary_stat private method to obtain statistics from the datasets is handy; that also keeps track of the first provided dataset (which is the observation in ABCpy inference schemes) and avoids computing the statistics for that multiple times. Notes ----- The data sets d1 and d2 are array-like structures that contain n1 and n2 data points each. An implementation of the distance function should work along the following steps: 1. Transform both input sets dX = [ dX1, dX2, ..., dXn ] to sX = [sX1, sX2, ..., sXn] using the statistics object. See _calculate_summary_stat method. 2. Calculate the mutual desired distance, here denoted by - between the statistics; for instance, dist = [s11 - s21, s12 - s22, ..., s1n - s2n] (in some cases however you may want to compute all pairwise distances between statistics elements. Important: any sub-class must not calculate the distance between data sets d1 and d2 directly. This is the reason why any sub-class must be initialized with a statistics object. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def dist_max(self): """To be overwritten by sub-class: should return maximum possible value of the desired distance function. Examples -------- If the desired distance maps to :math:`\mathbb{R}`, this method should return numpy.inf. Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _calculate_summary_stat(self, d1, d2): """Helper function that extracts the summary statistics s1 and s2 from d1 and d2 using the statistics object stored in self.statistics_calc. This stores s1 for the purpose of checking whether that is repeated in next calls to the function, and avoiding computing the statitistics for the same dataset several times. Parameters ---------- d1 : array-like d1 contains n data sets. d2 : array-like d2 contains m data sets. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing numpy.ndarray's with the summary statistics extracted from d1 and d2. """ if not isinstance(d1, list): raise TypeError('Data is not of allowed types') if not isinstance(d2, list): raise TypeError('Data is not of allowed types') # Check whether d1 is same as self.data_set if self.data_set is not None: # check that the the observations have the same length; if not, they can't be the same: if len(d1) != len(self.data_set): self.dataSame = False elif len(np.array(d1[0]).reshape(-1, )) == 1: self.dataSame = self.data_set == d1 else: self.dataSame = all([(np.array(self.data_set[i]) == np.array(d1[i])).all() for i in range(len(d1))]) # Extract summary statistics from the dataset if self.s1 is None or self.dataSame is False: self.s1 = self.statistics_calc.statistics(d1) self.data_set = d1 s2 = self.statistics_calc.statistics(d2) if self.s1.shape[1] != s2.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The dimension of summaries in the two datasets is different; check the dimension of the" " provided observations and simulations.") return self.s1, s2
[docs]class Divergence(Distance, metaclass=ABCMeta): """This is an abstract class which subclasses Distance, and is used as a parent class for all divergence estimators; more specifically, it is used for all Distances which compare the empirical distribution of simulations and observations.""" @abstractmethod def _estimate_always_positive(self): """This returns whether the implemented divergence always returns positive values or not. In fact, some estimators may return negative values, which may break some inference algorithms""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Euclidean(Distance): """ This class implements the Euclidean distance between two vectors. The maximum value of the distance is np.inf. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc): super(Euclidean, self).__init__(statistics_calc)
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets, by computing Euclidean distance between each element of d1 and d2 and taking their average. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) # compute distance between the statistics dist = np.zeros(shape=(s1.shape[0], s2.shape[0])) for ind1 in range(0, s1.shape[0]): for ind2 in range(0, s2.shape[0]): dist[ind1, ind2] = np.sqrt(np.sum(pow(s1[ind1, :] - s2[ind2, :], 2))) return dist.mean()
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ return np.inf
[docs]class PenLogReg(Divergence): """ This class implements a distance measure based on the classification accuracy. The classification accuracy is calculated between two dataset d1 and d2 using lasso penalized logistics regression and return it as a distance. The lasso penalized logistic regression is done using glmnet package of Friedman et. al. [2]. While computing the distance, the algorithm automatically chooses the most relevant summary statistics as explained in Gutmann et. al. [1]. The maximum value of the distance is 1.0. [1] Gutmann, M. U., Dutta, R., Kaski, S., & Corander, J. (2018). Likelihood-free inference via classification. Statistics and Computing, 28(2), 411-425. [2] Friedman, J., Hastie, T., and Tibshirani, R. (2010). Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent. Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 1–22. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc): super(PenLogReg, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.n_folds = 10 # for cross validation in PenLogReg
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) self.n_simulate = s1.shape[0] if not s2.shape[0] == self.n_simulate: raise RuntimeError("The number of simulations in the two data sets should be the same in order for " "the classification accuracy implemented in PenLogReg to be a proper distance. Please " "check that `n_samples` in the `sample()` method for the sampler is equal to " "the number of datasets in the observations.") # compute distance between the statistics training_set_features = np.concatenate((s1, s2), axis=0) label_s1 = np.zeros(shape=(len(s1), 1)) label_s2 = np.ones(shape=(len(s2), 1)) training_set_labels = np.concatenate((label_s1, label_s2), axis=0).ravel() groups = np.repeat(np.arange(self.n_folds), / self.n_folds))) groups = groups[:self.n_simulate].tolist() groups += groups # duplicate it as groups need to be defined for both datasets m = LogitNet(alpha=1, n_splits=self.n_folds) # note we are not using random seed here! m =, training_set_labels, groups=groups) distance = 2.0 * (m.cv_mean_score_[np.where(m.lambda_path_ == m.lambda_max_)[0][0]] - 0.5) return distance
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ return 1.0
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return False
[docs]class LogReg(Divergence): """This class implements a distance measure based on the classification accuracy [1]. The classification accuracy is calculated between two dataset d1 and d2 using logistics regression and return it as a distance. The maximum value of the distance is 1.0. The logistic regression may not converge when using one single sample in each dataset (as for instance by putting n_samples_per_param=1 in an inference routine). [1] Gutmann, M. U., Dutta, R., Kaski, S., & Corander, J. (2018). Likelihood-free inference via classification. Statistics and Computing, 28(2), 411-425. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. seed : integer, optionl Seed used to initialize the Random Numbers Generator used to determine the (random) cross validation split in the Logistic Regression classifier. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, seed=None): super(LogReg, self).__init__(statistics_calc) # seed is used for a RandomState for the random split in the LogisticRegression classifier: self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) # compute distance between the statistics training_set_features = np.concatenate((s1, s2), axis=0) label_s1 = np.zeros(shape=(len(s1), 1)) label_s2 = np.ones(shape=(len(s2), 1)) training_set_labels = np.concatenate((label_s1, label_s2), axis=0).ravel() reg_inv = 1e5 log_reg_model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=reg_inv, penalty='l1', max_iter=1000, solver='liblinear', random_state=self.rng.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.uint32).max)), training_set_labels) score = log_reg_model.score(training_set_features, training_set_labels) distance = 2.0 * (score - 0.5) return distance
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ return 1.0
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return False
[docs]class Wasserstein(Divergence): """This class implements a distance measure based on the 2-Wasserstein distance, as used in [1]. This considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and computes the 2-Wasserstein distance between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. [1] Bernton, E., Jacob, P.E., Gerber, M. and Robert, C.P. (2019), Approximate Bayesian computation with the Wasserstein distance. J. R. Stat. Soc. B, 81: 235-269. doi:10.1111/rssb.12312 Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. num_iter_max : integer, optional The maximum number of iterations in the linear programming algorithm to estimate the Wasserstein distance. Default to 100000. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, num_iter_max=100000): super(Wasserstein, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.num_iter_max = num_iter_max
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) # compute the Wasserstein distance between the empirical distributions: return wass_dist(samples_1=s1, samples_2=s2, num_iter_max=self.num_iter_max)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ # As the statistics are positive, the max possible value is 1 return np.inf
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return True
[docs]class SlicedWasserstein(Divergence): """This class implements a distance measure based on the sliced 2-Wasserstein distance, as used in [1]. This considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and computes the sliced 2-Wasserstein distance between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. Specifically, the sliced Wasserstein distance is a cheaper version of the Wasserstein distance which consists of projecting the multivariate data on 1d directions and computing the 1d Wasserstein distance, which is computationally cheap. The resulting sliced Wasserstein distance is obtained by averaging over a given number of projections. [1] Nadjahi, K., De Bortoli, V., Durmus, A., Badeau, R., & Şimşekli, U. (2020, May). Approximate bayesian computation with the sliced-wasserstein distance. In ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 5470-5474). IEEE. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. n_projections : int, optional Number of 1d projections used for estimating the sliced Wasserstein distance. Default value is 50. rng : np.random.RandomState, optional random number generators used to generate the projections. If not provided, a new one is instantiated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, n_projections=50, rng=np.random.RandomState()): super(SlicedWasserstein, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.n_projections = n_projections self.rng = rng
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) # compute the Wasserstein distance between the empirical distributions: return self.sliced_wasserstein_distance(X_s=s1, X_t=s2, n_projections=self.n_projections, seed=self.rng)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ # As the statistics are positive, the max possible value is 1 return np.inf
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return True # the following two functions are taken from # # Author: Adrien Corenflos <> # # License: MIT License
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random_projections(n_projections, d, seed=None): r""" Generates n_projections samples from the uniform on the unit sphere of dimension d-1: :math:`\mathcal{U}(\mathcal{S}^{d-1})` Parameters ---------- n_projections : int number of samples requested d : int dimension of the space seed: int or RandomState, optional Seed used for numpy random number generator Returns ------- out: ndarray, shape (n_projections, d) The uniform unit vectors on the sphere Examples -------- >>> n_projections = 100 >>> d = 5 >>> projs = get_random_projections(n_projections, d) >>> np.allclose(np.sum(np.square(projs), 1), 1.) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE True """ if not isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState): random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed) else: random_state = seed projections = random_state.normal(0., 1., [n_projections, d]) norm = np.linalg.norm(projections, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True) projections = projections / norm return projections
[docs] def sliced_wasserstein_distance(self, X_s, X_t, a=None, b=None, n_projections=50, seed=None, log=False): r""" Computes a Monte-Carlo approximation of the 2-Sliced Wasserstein distance .. math:: \mathcal{SWD}_2(\mu, \nu) = \underset{\theta \sim \mathcal{U}(\mathbb{S}^{d-1})}{\mathbb{E}}[\mathcal{W}_2^2(\theta_\# \mu, \theta_\# \nu)]^{\frac{1}{2}} where : - :math:`\theta_\# \mu` stands for the pushforwars of the projection :math:`\mathbb{R}^d \ni X \mapsto \langle \theta, X \rangle` Parameters ---------- X_s : ndarray, shape (n_samples_a, dim) samples in the source domain X_t : ndarray, shape (n_samples_b, dim) samples in the target domain a : ndarray, shape (n_samples_a,), optional samples weights in the source domain b : ndarray, shape (n_samples_b,), optional samples weights in the target domain n_projections : int, optional Number of projections used for the Monte-Carlo approximation seed: int or RandomState or None, optional Seed used for numpy random number generator log: bool, optional if True, sliced_wasserstein_distance returns the projections used and their associated EMD. Returns ------- cost: float Sliced Wasserstein Cost log : dict, optional log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters Examples -------- >>> n_samples_a = 20 >>> reg = 0.1 >>> X = np.random.normal(0., 1., (n_samples_a, 5)) >>> sliced_wasserstein_distance(X, X, seed=0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.0 References ---------- .. [31] Bonneel, Nicolas, et al. "Sliced and radon wasserstein barycenters of measures." Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 51.1 (2015): 22-45 """ from ot.lp import emd2_1d X_s = np.asanyarray(X_s) X_t = np.asanyarray(X_t) n = X_s.shape[0] m = X_t.shape[0] if X_s.shape[1] != X_t.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "X_s and X_t must have the same number of dimensions {} and {} respectively given".format(X_s.shape[1], X_t.shape[1])) if a is None: a = np.full(n, 1 / n) if b is None: b = np.full(m, 1 / m) d = X_s.shape[1] projections = self.get_random_projections(n_projections, d, seed) X_s_projections =, X_s.T) X_t_projections =, X_t.T) if log: projected_emd = np.empty(n_projections) else: projected_emd = None res = 0. for i, (X_s_proj, X_t_proj) in enumerate(zip(X_s_projections, X_t_projections)): emd = emd2_1d(X_s_proj, X_t_proj, a, b, log=False, dense=False) if projected_emd is not None: projected_emd[i] = emd res += emd res = (res / n_projections) ** 0.5 if log: return res, {"projections": projections, "projected_emds": projected_emd} return res
[docs]class GammaDivergence(Divergence): """ This implements an empirical estimator of the gamma-divergence for ABC as suggested in [1]. In [1], the gamma-divergence was proposed as a divergence which is robust to outliers. The estimator is based on a nearest neighbor density estimate. Specifically, this considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and estimates the divergence between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. [1] Fujisawa, M., Teshima, T., Sato, I., & Sugiyama, M. γ-ABC: Outlier-robust approximate Bayesian computation based on a robust divergence estimator. In A. Banerjee and K. Fukumizu (Eds.), Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS2021), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol.130, pp.1783-1791, online, Apr. 13-15, 2021. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. k : int, optional nearest neighbor number for the density estimate. Default value is 1 gam : float, optional the gamma parameter in the definition of the divergence. Default value is 0.1 """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, k=1, gam=0.1): super(GammaDivergence, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.k = k # number of nearest neighbors used in the estimation algorithm self.gam = gam
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) if s1.shape[0] > self.k or s2.shape[0] > self.k: assert ValueError(f"The provided value of k ({self.k}) is smaller or equal than the number of samples " f"in one of the two datasets; that should instead be larger") # estimate the gamma divergence using the empirical distributions return self.skl_estimator_gamma_q(s1=s1, s2=s2, k=self.k, gam=self.gam)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ # As the statistics are positive, the max possible value is 1 return np.inf
[docs] @staticmethod def skl_estimator_gamma_q(s1, s2, k=1, gam=0.1): """ Gamma-Divergence estimator using scikit-learn's NearestNeighbours s1: (N_1,D) Sample drawn from distribution P s2: (N_2,D) Sample drawn from distribution Q k: Number of neighbours considered (default 1) return: estimated D(P|Q) Adapted from code provided by Masahiro Fujisawa (University of Tokyo / RIKEN AIP) """ n, m = len(s1), len(s2) # NOTE: here different convention of n, m wrt MMD and EnergyDistance d = float(s1.shape[1]) radius = 10 # this is not used at all... s1_neighbourhood = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k + 1, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s1) s2_neighbourhood = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s2) s3_neighbourhood = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k + 1, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s2) d_gam = d * gam s1_distances, indices = s1_neighbourhood.kneighbors(s1, k + 1) s2_distances, indices = s2_neighbourhood.kneighbors(s1, k) rho = s1_distances[:, -1] nu = s2_distances[:, -1] if np.any(rho == 0): warnings.warn( f"The distance between an element of the first dataset and its {k}-th NN in the same dataset " f"is 0; this causes divergences in the code, and it is due to elements which are repeated " f"{k + 1} times in the first dataset. Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) # notice: the one below becomes 0 when one element in the s1 dataset is equal to one in the s2 dataset # and k=1 (as the distance between those two would be 0, which gives infinity when dividing) if np.any(nu == 0): warnings.warn(f"The distance between an element of the first dataset and its {k}-th NN in the second " f"dataset is 0; this causes divergences in the code, and it is usually due to equal " f"elements" f" in the two datasets. Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) second_term = np.sum(1 / (rho ** d_gam)) / (n * (n - 1) ** gam) fourth_term = np.sum(1 / (nu ** d_gam)) / (n * m ** gam) s3_distances, indices = s3_neighbourhood.kneighbors(s2, k + 1) rho_q = s3_distances[:, -1] if np.any(rho_q == 0): warnings.warn( f"The distance between an element of the second dataset and its {k}-th NN in the same dataset " f"is 0; this causes divergences in the code, and it is due to elements which are repeated " f"{k + 1} times in the second dataset. Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) third_term = np.sum(1 / (rho_q ** d_gam)) # third_term /= m * (m ** gam) # original code: I think the second term here should be m - 1 third_term /= m * (m - 1) ** gam # corrected version third_term = third_term ** gam fourth_term = fourth_term ** (1 + gam) D = (1 / (gam * (gam + 1))) * (np.log((second_term * third_term) / fourth_term)) return D
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return False
[docs]class KLDivergence(Divergence): """ This implements an empirical estimator of the KL divergence for ABC as suggested in [1]. The estimator is based on a nearest neighbor density estimate. Specifically, this considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and estimates the divergence between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. [1] Jiang, B. (2018, March). Approximate Bayesian computation with Kullback-Leibler divergence as data discrepancy. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 1711-1721). PMLR. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. k : int, optional nearest neighbor number for the density estimate. Default value is 1 """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, k=1): super(KLDivergence, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.k = k # number of nearest neighbors used in the estimation algorithm
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) if s1.shape[0] > self.k or s2.shape[0] > self.k: assert ValueError(f"The provided value of k ({self.k}) is smaller or equal than the number of samples " f"in one of the two datasets; that should instead be larger") # estimate the KL divergence using the empirical distributions return self.skl_estimator_KL_div(s1=s1, s2=s2, k=self.k)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ # As the statistics are positive, the max possible value is 1 return np.inf
[docs] @staticmethod def skl_estimator_KL_div(s1, s2, k=1): """ Adapted from MIT license KL-Divergence estimator using scikit-learn's NearestNeighbours s1: (N_1,D) Sample drawn from distribution P s2: (N_2,D) Sample drawn from distribution Q k: Number of neighbours considered (default 1) return: estimated D(P|Q) """ n, m = len(s1), len(s2) # NOTE: here different convention of n, m wrt MMD and EnergyDistance d = float(s1.shape[1]) radius = 10 # this is useless s1_neighbourhood = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k + 1, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s1) s2_neighbourhood = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s2) s1_distances, indices = s1_neighbourhood.kneighbors(s1, k + 1) s2_distances, indices = s2_neighbourhood.kneighbors(s1, k) rho = s1_distances[:, -1] nu = s2_distances[:, -1] if np.any(rho == 0): warnings.warn( f"The distance between an element of the first dataset and its {k}-th NN in the same dataset " f"is 0; this causes divergences in the code, and it is due to elements which are repeated " f"{k + 1} times in the first dataset. Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) D = np.sum(np.log(nu / rho)) return (d / n) * D + np.log(m / (n - 1)) # this second term should be enough for it to be valid for m \neq n
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return False
[docs]class MMD(Divergence): """ This implements an empirical estimator of the MMD for ABC as suggested in [1]. This class implements a gaussian kernel by default but allows specifying different kernel functions. Notice that the original version in [1] suggested an unbiased estimate, which however can return negative values. We also provide a biased but provably positive estimator following the remarks in [2]. Specifically, this considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and estimates the MMD between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. [1] Park, M., Jitkrittum, W., & Sejdinovic, D. (2016, May). K2-ABC: Approximate Bayesian computation with kernel embeddings. In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 398-407). PMLR. [2] Nguyen, H. D., Arbel, J., Lü, H., & Forbes, F. (2020). Approximate Bayesian computation via the energy statistic. IEEE Access, 8, 131683-131698. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. kernel : str or callable Can be a string denoting the kernel, or a function. If a string, only gaussian is implemented for now; in that case, you can also provide an additional keyword parameter 'sigma' which is used as the sigma in the kernel. Default is the gaussian kernel. biased_estimator : boolean, optional Whether to use the biased (but always positive) or unbiased estimator; by default, it uses the biased one. kernel_kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the distance calculator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, kernel="gaussian", biased_estimator=False, **kernel_kwargs): super(MMD, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.kernel_vectorized = False if not isinstance(kernel, str) and not callable(kernel): raise RuntimeError("'kernel' must be either a string or a function.") if isinstance(kernel, str): if kernel == "gaussian": self.kernel = self.def_gaussian_kernel(**kernel_kwargs) self.kernel_vectorized = True # the gaussian kernel is vectorized else: raise NotImplementedError("The required kernel is not implemented.") else: self.kernel = kernel # if kernel is a callable already self.biased_estimator = biased_estimator
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) # compute the Gram matrix K11, K22, K12 = self.compute_Gram_matrix(s1, s2) # Estimate MMD if self.biased_estimator: return self.MMD_V_estimator(K11, K22, K12) else: return self.MMD_unbiased(K11, K22, K12)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ # As the statistics are positive, the max possible value is 1 return np.inf
[docs] @staticmethod def def_gaussian_kernel(sigma=1): # notice in the MMD paper they set sigma to a median value over the observation; check that. sigma_2 = 2 * sigma ** 2 # def Gaussian_kernel(x, y): # xy = x - y # # assert np.allclose(, xy), np.linalg.norm(xy) ** 2) # return np.exp(-, xy) / sigma_2) def Gaussian_kernel_vectorized(X, Y): """Here X and Y have shape (n_samples_x, n_features) and (n_samples_y, n_features); this directly computes the kernel for all pairwise components""" XY = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1, -1) - Y.reshape(1, Y.shape[0], -1) # pairwise differences return np.exp(- np.einsum('xyi,xyi->xy', XY, XY) / sigma_2) return Gaussian_kernel_vectorized
[docs] def compute_Gram_matrix(self, s1, s2): if self.kernel_vectorized: K11 = self.kernel(s1, s1) K22 = self.kernel(s2, s2) K12 = self.kernel(s1, s2) else: m = s1.shape[0] n = s2.shape[0] K11 = np.zeros((m, m)) K22 = np.zeros((n, n)) K12 = np.zeros((m, n)) for i in range(m): # we assume the function to be symmetric; this saves some steps: for j in range(i, m): K11[j, i] = K11[i, j] = self.kernel(s1[i], s1[j]) for i in range(n): # we assume the function to be symmetric; this saves some steps: for j in range(i, n): K22[j, i] = K22[i, j] = self.kernel(s2[i], s2[j]) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): K12[i, j] = self.kernel(s1[i], s2[j]) # can we improve the above? Could use map but would not change too much likely. return K11, K22, K12
[docs] @staticmethod def MMD_unbiased(Kxx, Kyy, Kxy): # from # The estimate when distribution of x is not equal to y m = Kxx.shape[0] n = Kyy.shape[0] t1 = (1. / (m * (m - 1))) * np.sum(Kxx - np.diag(np.diagonal(Kxx))) t2 = (2. / (m * n)) * np.sum(Kxy) t3 = (1. / (n * (n - 1))) * np.sum(Kyy - np.diag(np.diagonal(Kyy))) MMDsquared = (t1 - t2 + t3) return MMDsquared
[docs] @staticmethod def MMD_V_estimator(Kxx, Kyy, Kxy): # The estimate when distribution of x is not equal to y m = Kxx.shape[0] n = Kyy.shape[0] t1 = (1. / (m * m)) * np.sum(Kxx) t2 = (2. / (m * n)) * np.sum(Kxy) t3 = (1. / (n * n)) * np.sum(Kyy) MMDsquared = (t1 - t2 + t3) return MMDsquared
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return self.biased_estimator
[docs]class EnergyDistance(MMD): """ This implements an empirical estimator of the Energy Distance for ABC as suggested in [1]. This class uses the Euclidean distance by default as a base distance, but allows to pass different distances. Moreover, when the Euclidean distance is specified, it is possible to pass an additional keyword argument `beta` which denotes the power of the distance to consider. In [1], the authors suggest to use a biased but provably positive estimator; we also provide an unbiased estimate, which however can return negative values. Specifically, this considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and estimates the MMD between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. [1] Nguyen, H. D., Arbel, J., Lü, H., & Forbes, F. (2020). Approximate Bayesian computation via the energy statistic. IEEE Access, 8, 131683-131698. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. base_distance : str or callable Can be a string denoting the kernel, or a function. If a string, only Euclidean distance is implemented for now; in that case, you can also provide an additional keyword parameter 'beta' which is the power of the distance to consider. By default, this uses the Euclidean distance. biased_estimator : boolean, optional Whether to use the biased (but always positive) or unbiased estimator; by default, it uses the biased one. base_distance_kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the distance calculator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, base_distance="Euclidean", biased_estimator=True, **base_distance_kwargs): if not isinstance(base_distance, str) and not callable(base_distance): raise RuntimeError("'base_distance' must be either a string or a function.") if isinstance(base_distance, str): if base_distance == "Euclidean": self.base_distance = self.def_Euclidean_distance(**base_distance_kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError("The required kernel is not implemented.") else: self.base_distance = base_distance # if base_distance is a callable already self.biased_estimator = biased_estimator def negative_distance(*args): return - self.base_distance(*args) super(EnergyDistance, self).__init__(statistics_calc, kernel=negative_distance, biased_estimator=self.biased_estimator)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ # As the statistics are positive, the max possible value is 1 return np.inf
[docs] @staticmethod def def_Euclidean_distance(beta=1): if beta <= 0 or beta > 2: raise RuntimeError("'beta' not in the right range (0,2]") if beta == 1: def Euclidean_distance(x, y): return np.linalg.norm(x - y) else: def Euclidean_distance(x, y): return np.linalg.norm(x - y) ** beta return Euclidean_distance
[docs]class SquaredHellingerDistance(Divergence): """ This implements an empirical estimator of the squared Hellinger distance for ABC. Using the Hellinger distance was suggested originally in [1], but as that work did not provide originally any implementation details, this implementation is original. The estimator is based on a nearest neighbor density estimate. Specifically, this considers the several simulations/observations in the datasets as iid samples from the model for a fixed parameter value/from the data generating model, and estimates the divergence between the empirical distributions those simulations/observations define. [1] Frazier, D. T. (2020). Robust and Efficient Approximate Bayesian Computation: A Minimum Distance Approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.14126. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. k : int, optional nearest neighbor number for the density estimate. Default value is 1 """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, k=1): super(SquaredHellingerDistance, self).__init__(statistics_calc) self.k = k # number of nearest neighbors used in the estimation algorithm
[docs] def distance(self, d1, d2): """Calculates the distance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- d1: Python list Contains n1 data points. d2: Python list Contains n2 data points. Returns ------- numpy.float The distance between the two input data sets. """ s1, s2 = self._calculate_summary_stat(d1, d2) if s1.shape[0] > self.k or s2.shape[0] > self.k: assert ValueError(f"The provided value of k ({self.k}) is smaller or equal than the number of samples " f"in one of the two datasets; that should instead be larger") # estimate the gamma divergence using the empirical distributions return self.skl_estimator_squared_Hellinger_distance(s1=s1, s2=s2, k=self.k)
[docs] def dist_max(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.float The maximal possible value of the desired distance function. """ return 2
[docs] @staticmethod def skl_estimator_squared_Hellinger_distance(s1, s2, k=1): """ Squared Hellinger distance estimator using scikit-learn's NearestNeighbours s1: (N_1,D) Sample drawn from distribution P s2: (N_2,D) Sample drawn from distribution Q k: Number of neighbours considered (default 1) return: estimated D(P|Q) """ n, m = len(s1), len(s2) # NOTE: here different convention of n, m wrt MMD and EnergyDistance d = float(s1.shape[1]) d_2 = d / 2 radius = 10 # this is not used at all... s1_neighbourhood_k1 = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k + 1, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s1) s1_neighbourhood_k = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s1) s2_neighbourhood_k1 = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k + 1, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s2) s2_neighbourhood_k = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, radius=radius, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(s2) s1_distances, indices = s1_neighbourhood_k1.kneighbors(s1, k + 1) s2_distances, indices = s2_neighbourhood_k.kneighbors(s1, k) rho = s1_distances[:, -1] nu = s2_distances[:, -1] if np.any(rho == 0): warnings.warn( f"The distance between an element of the first dataset and its {k}-th NN in the same dataset " f"is 0; this is due to elements which are repeated " f"{k + 1} times in the first dataset, and may lead to a poor estimate of the distance. " f"Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) if np.any(nu == 0): warnings.warn(f"The distance between an element of the first dataset and its {k}-th NN in the second " f"dataset is 0; this causes divergences in the code, and it is usually due to equal " f"elements" f" in the two datasets. Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) first_estimator = np.sum((rho / nu) ** d_2) first_estimator = 2 - 2 * np.sqrt((n - 1) / m) * first_estimator s2_distances, indices = s2_neighbourhood_k1.kneighbors(s2, k + 1) s1_distances, indices = s1_neighbourhood_k.kneighbors(s2, k) rho = s2_distances[:, -1] nu = s1_distances[:, -1] if np.any(rho == 0): warnings.warn( f"The distance between an element of the second dataset and its {k}-th NN in the same dataset " f"is 0; this is due to elements which are repeated " f"{k + 1} times in the second dataset, and may lead to a poor estimate of the distance. " f"Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) # notice: the one below becomes 0 when one element in the s1 dataset is equal to one in the s2 dataset # and k=1 (as the distance between those two would be 0, which gives infinity when dividing) if np.any(nu == 0): warnings.warn(f"The distance between an element of the second dataset and its {k}-th NN in the first " f"dataset is 0; this causes divergences in the code, and it is usually due to equal " f"elements" f" in the two datasets. Increasing the value of k usually solves this.", RuntimeWarning) second_estimator = np.sum((rho / nu) ** d_2) second_estimator = 2 - 2 * np.sqrt((m - 1) / n) * second_estimator # average the two estimators: final_estimator = 0.5 * (first_estimator + second_estimator) return final_estimator
def _estimate_always_positive(self): return True