Source code for abcpy.transformers

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

    import torch
except ImportError:
    has_torch = False
    has_torch = True

# The first two transformers are used in the MCMC inference scheme, in order to run MCMC of an unbounded transformed
# space in case the original space is bounded. It therefore also implements the jacobian terms which appear in
# the acceptance rate. BoundedVarScaler is instead used in the training routine for the Exponential Family summary
# statistics learning.

[docs]class BoundedVarTransformer: """ This scaler implements both lower bounded and two sided bounded transformations according to the provided bounds. It works on 1d vectors. You need to specify separately the lower and upper bounds in two arrays with the same length of the objects on which the transformations will be applied (likely the parameters on which MCMC is conducted for this function). If the bounds for a given variable are both None, it is assumed to be unbounded; if instead the lower bound is given and the upper bound is None, it is assumed to be lower bounded. Finally, if both bounds are given, it is assumed to be bounded on both sides. """
[docs] def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound): """ Parameters ---------- lower_bound : np.ndarray Array of the same length of the variable to which the transformation will be applied, containing lower bounds of the variable. Each entry of the array can be either None or a number (see above). upper_bound Array of the same length of the variable to which the transformation will be applied, containing upper bounds of the variable. Each entry of the array can be either None or a number (see above). """ # upper and lower bounds need to be numpy arrays with size the size of the variable self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound if not hasattr(lower_bound, "shape") or not hasattr(upper_bound, "shape"): raise RuntimeError("Provided lower and upper bounds need to be arrays.") elif hasattr(lower_bound, "shape") and hasattr(upper_bound, "shape") and lower_bound.shape != upper_bound.shape: raise RuntimeError("Provided lower and upper bounds need to have same shape.") # note that == None checks if the array is None element wise. self.unbounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.equal(lower_bound, None), np.equal(upper_bound, None)) self.lower_bounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.not_equal(lower_bound, None), np.equal(upper_bound, None)) self.upper_bounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.equal(lower_bound, None), np.not_equal(upper_bound, None)) self.two_sided_bounded_vars = np.logical_and(np.not_equal(lower_bound, None), np.not_equal(upper_bound, None)) if self.upper_bounded_vars.any(): raise NotImplementedError("We do not yet implement the transformation for upper bounded random variables") self.lower_bound_lower_bounded = self.lower_bound[self.lower_bounded_vars].astype("float32") self.lower_bound_two_sided = self.lower_bound[self.two_sided_bounded_vars].astype("float32") self.upper_bound_two_sided = self.upper_bound[self.two_sided_bounded_vars].astype("float32")
[docs] @staticmethod def logit(x): return np.log(x) - np.log(1 - x)
def _check_data_in_bounds(self, X): # Takes as input 1d or 2d arrays X = np.atleast_2d(X) # convert to 2d if needed if np.any(X[:, self.lower_bounded_vars] <= self.lower_bound_lower_bounded): raise RuntimeError("The provided data are out of the bounds.") if (X[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars] <= self.lower_bound[self.two_sided_bounded_vars]).any() or ( X[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars] >= self.upper_bound_two_sided).any(): raise RuntimeError("The provided data is out of the bounds.") def _apply_nonlinear_transf(self, X): # apply the different transformations to the different kind of variables. Takes as input 1d or 2d arrays squeeze = len(X.shape) == 1 X = np.atleast_2d(X) X_transf = X.copy() X_transf[:, self.lower_bounded_vars] = np.log(X[:, self.lower_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_lower_bounded) X_transf[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = self.logit( (X[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_two_sided) / ( self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided)) return X_transf.squeeze() if squeeze else X_transf def _apply_inverse_nonlinear_transf(self, X): # inverse transformation. Different trasformations applied to different kind of variables. # Takes as input 1d or 2d arrays squeeze = len(X.shape) == 1 X = np.atleast_2d(X) inv_X = X.copy() inv_X[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = (self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided) * np.exp( X[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars]) / (1 + np.exp( X[:, self.two_sided_bounded_vars])) + self.lower_bound_two_sided inv_X[:, self.lower_bounded_vars] = np.exp(X[:, self.lower_bounded_vars]) + self.lower_bound_lower_bounded return inv_X.squeeze() if squeeze else inv_X def _jac_log_det(self, x): # computes the jacobian log determinant. Takes as input arrays. results = np.zeros_like(x) results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = np.log( (self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided).astype("float64") / ( (x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_two_sided) * ( self.upper_bound_two_sided - x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars]))) results[self.lower_bounded_vars] = - np.log(x[self.lower_bounded_vars] - self.lower_bound_lower_bounded) return np.sum(results) def _jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x): # computes the log determinant of jacobian evaluated in the inverse transformation. Takes as input arrays. results = np.zeros_like(x) results[self.lower_bounded_vars] = - x[self.lower_bounded_vars] # two sided: need some tricks to avoid numerical issues: results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] = - np.log( self.upper_bound_two_sided - self.lower_bound_two_sided) indices = x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] < 100 # for avoiding numerical overflow res_b = np.copy(x)[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] res_b[indices] = np.log(1 + np.exp(x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars][indices])) results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] += res_b indices = x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] > - 100 # for avoiding numerical overflow res_c = np.copy(- x)[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] res_c[indices] = np.log(1 + np.exp(- x[self.two_sided_bounded_vars][indices])) results[self.two_sided_bounded_vars] += res_c # res = res_b + res_c - res_a return np.sum(results) @staticmethod def _array_from_list(x): return np.array(x).reshape(-1) @staticmethod def _list_from_array(x_arr, x): # transforms the array x to the list structure that contains x x_new = [None] * len(x) for i in range(len(x)): if isinstance(x[i], np.ndarray): x_new[i] = np.array(x_arr[i].reshape(x[i].shape)) else: x_new[i] = x_arr[i] return x_new
[docs] def transform(self, x): """Scale features of x according to feature_range. Parameters ---------- x : list of length n_parameters Input data that will be transformed. Returns ------- Xt : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Transformed data. """ # convert data to array: x_arr = self._array_from_list(x) # need to check if we can apply the log first: self._check_data_in_bounds(x_arr) # we transform the data with the log transformation: x_arr = self._apply_nonlinear_transf(x_arr) # convert back to the list structure: x = self._list_from_array(x_arr, x) return x
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, x): """Undo the scaling of x according to feature_range. Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data that will be transformed. It cannot be sparse. Returns ------- Xt : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Transformed data. """ # now apply the inverse transform x_arr = self._array_from_list(x) inv_x = self._apply_inverse_nonlinear_transf(x_arr) # convert back to the list structure: inv_x = self._list_from_array(inv_x, x) return inv_x
[docs] def jac_log_det(self, x): """Returns the log determinant of the Jacobian: :math:`\log |J_t(x)|`. Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data, living in the original space (with optional bounds). Returns ------- res : float log determinant of the jacobian """ x = self._array_from_list(x) self._check_data_in_bounds(x) return self._jac_log_det(x)
[docs] def jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x): """Returns the log determinant of the Jacobian evaluated in the inverse transform: :math:`\log |J_t(t^{-1}(x))| = - \log |J_{t^{-1}}(x)|` Parameters ---------- x : list of len n_parameters Input data, living in the transformed space (spanning the whole :math:`R^d`). Returns ------- res : float log determinant of the jacobian evaluated in :math:`t^{-1}(x)` """ x = self._array_from_list(x) return self._jac_log_det_inverse_transform(x)
[docs]class BoundedVarScaler(MinMaxScaler, BoundedVarTransformer): """ This scaler implements both lower bounded and two sided bounded transformations according to the provided bounds. After the nonlinear transformation is applied, we optionally rescale the transformed variables to the (0,1) range (default for this is True). It works on 2d vectors. You need to specify separately the lower and upper bounds in two arrays with the same length of the objects on which the transformations will be applied (likely the simulations used to learn the exponential family summaries for this one). If the bounds for a given variable are both None, it is assumed to be unbounded; if instead the lower bound is given and the upper bound is None, it is assumed to be lower bounded. Finally, if both bounds are given, it is assumed to be bounded on both sides. Practically, this inherits from BoundedVarTransformer, which provides the transformations, and from sklearn MinMaxScaler, which provides the rescaling capabilities. This class has the same API as sklearn scalers, implementing fit and transform methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound, feature_range=(0, 1), copy=True, rescale_transformed_vars=True): """ Parameters ---------- lower_bound : np.ndarray Array of the same length of the variable to which the transformation will be applied, containing lower bounds of the variable. Each entry of the array can be either None or a number (see above). upper_bound Array of the same length of the variable to which the transformation will be applied, containing upper bounds of the variable. Each entry of the array can be either None or a number (see above). feature_range : tuple (min, max), optional Desired range of transformed data (obtained with the MinMaxScaler after the nonlinear transformation is computed). Default=(0, 1) copy : bool, optional Set to False to perform inplace row normalization and avoid a copy in the MinMaxScaler (if the input is already a numpy array). Defaults to True. rescale_transformed_vars : bool, optional Whether to apply the MinMaxScaler after the nonlinear transformation. Defaults to True. """ BoundedVarTransformer.__init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound) MinMaxScaler.__init__(self, feature_range=feature_range, copy=copy) self.rescale_transformed_vars = rescale_transformed_vars
@staticmethod def _check_reshape_single_sample(x): """""" if len(x.shape) == 1: pass elif len(x.shape) == 2 and x.shape[0] == 1: x = x.reshape(-1) else: raise RuntimeError("This can be computed for one sample at a time.") return x
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Compute the minimum and maximum to be used for later scaling. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data used to compute the per-feature minimum and maximum used for later scaling along the features axis. y : None Ignored. Returns ------- self : object Fitted scaler. """ # need to check if we can apply the log first: if has_torch and isinstance(X, torch.Tensor): X = X.detach().numpy() self._check_data_in_bounds(X) # we first transform the data with the log transformation and then apply the scaler (optionally): X = self._apply_nonlinear_transf(X) if self.rescale_transformed_vars: return, X) else: return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Scale features of X according to feature_range. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data that will be transformed. Returns ------- Xt : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Transformed data. """ # need to check if we can apply the log first: if has_torch and isinstance(X, torch.Tensor): X = X.detach().numpy() self._check_data_in_bounds(X) # we first transform the data with the log transformation and then apply the scaler (optionally): X = self._apply_nonlinear_transf(X) if self.rescale_transformed_vars: return MinMaxScaler.transform(self, X) else: return X
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, X): """Undo the scaling of X according to feature_range. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data that will be transformed. It cannot be sparse. Returns ------- Xt : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Transformed data. """ if self.rescale_transformed_vars: X = MinMaxScaler.inverse_transform(self, X) # now apply the inverse transform inv_X = BoundedVarTransformer._apply_inverse_nonlinear_transf(self, X) return inv_X
[docs] def jac_log_det(self, x): """Returns the log determinant of the Jacobian: :math:`\log |J_t(x)|`. Note that this considers only the Jacobian arising from the non-linear transformation, neglecting the scaling term arising from the subsequent linear rescaling. In fact, the latter does not play any role in MCMC acceptance rate. Parameters ---------- x : array-like of shape (n_features) Input data, living in the original space (with optional bounds). Returns ------- res : float log determinant of the jacobian """ if has_torch and isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = x.detach().numpy() x = self._check_reshape_single_sample(x) self._check_data_in_bounds(x.reshape(1, -1)) return BoundedVarTransformer._jac_log_det(self, x)
[docs] def jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x): """Returns the log determinant of the Jacobian evaluated in the inverse transform: :math:`\log |J_t(t^{-1}(x))| = - \log |J_{t^{-1}}(x)|` Note that this considers only the Jacobian arising from the non-linear transformation, neglecting the scaling term arising from the subsequent linear rescaling. In fact, the latter does not play any role in MCMC acceptance rate. Parameters ---------- x : array-like of shape (n_features) Input data, living in the transformed space (spanning the whole :math:`R^d`). It needs to be the value obtained after the optional linear rescaling is applied. Returns ------- res : float log determinant of the jacobian evaluated in :math:`t^{-1}(x)` """ if has_torch and isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = x.detach().numpy() if self.rescale_transformed_vars: # you still need to apply the inverse linear transformation in the transformed space to compute the jacobian # for the right value of t^-1(x) (even if the jacobian itself does not take into account the linear # transformation). Otherwise this function does computes the jacobian in the point obtained by applying the # nonlinear inverse transformation to the input x, which is not correct if x was rescaled in the (0,1) # range x = MinMaxScaler.inverse_transform(self, np.atleast_2d(x)) x = self._check_reshape_single_sample(x) return BoundedVarTransformer._jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x)
[docs]class DummyTransformer: """Dummy transformer which does nothing, and for which the jacobian is 1"""
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def transform(self, x): return x
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, x): return x
[docs] def jac_log_det(self, x): return 0
[docs] def jac_log_det_inverse_transform(self, x): return 0