Source code for abcpy.continuousmodels

from abcpy.probabilisticmodels import ProbabilisticModel, Continuous, Hyperparameter, InputConnector
import numpy as np

from numbers import Number
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal, norm
from scipy.special import gamma

[docs]class Uniform(ProbabilisticModel, Continuous):
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name='Uniform'): """ This class implements a probabilistic model following an uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- parameters: list Contains two lists. The first list specifies the probabilistic models and hyperparameters from which the lower bound of the uniform distribution derive. The second list specifies the probabilistic models and hyperparameters from which the upper bound derives. name: string, optional The name that should be given to the probabilistic model in the journal file. """ if not isinstance(parameters, list): raise TypeError('Input for Uniform has to be of type list.') if len(parameters)<2: raise ValueError('Input for Uniform has to be of length 2.') if not isinstance(parameters[0], list): raise TypeError('Each boundary for Uniform has to be of type list.') if not isinstance(parameters[1], list): raise TypeError('Each boundary for Uniform has to be of type list.') if len(parameters[0]) != len(parameters[1]): raise ValueError('Length of upper and lower bound have to be equal.') self._dimension = len(parameters[0]) input_parameters = InputConnector.from_list(parameters) super(Uniform, self).__init__(input_parameters, name) self.visited = False
def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Checks parameter values sampled from the parents. """ if len(input_values) % 2 != 0: return False # test whether lower bound is not greater than upper bound for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): if (input_values[j] > input_values[j+self.get_output_dimension()]): return False return True def _check_output(self, parameters): """ Checks parameter values given as fixed values. Returns False iff a lower bound value is larger than a corresponding upper bound value. """ for i in range(self.get_output_dimension()): lower_value = self.get_input_connector()[i] upper_value = self.get_input_connector()[i+self.get_output_dimension()] if parameters[i] < lower_value or parameters[i] > upper_value: return False return True
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """ Samples from a uniform distribution using the current values for each probabilistic model from which the model derives. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function k: integer The number of samples that should be drawn. rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used. The default value uses a random seed to initialize the generator. Returns ------- list: [np.ndarray] A list containing the sampled values as np-array. """ samples = np.zeros(shape=(k, self.get_output_dimension())) for j in range(0, self.get_output_dimension()): samples[:, j] = rng.uniform(input_values[j], input_values[j+self.get_output_dimension()], k) return [np.array(x) for x in samples]
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return self._dimension
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x. Commonly used to determine whether perturbed parameters are still valid according to the pdf. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- Float: The evaluated pdf at point x. """ lower_bound = input_values[:self.get_output_dimension()] upper_bound = input_values[self.get_output_dimension():] if (np.product(np.greater_equal(x, np.array(lower_bound)) * np.less_equal(x, np.array(upper_bound)))): pdf_value = 1. / np.product(np.array(upper_bound) - np.array(lower_bound)) else: pdf_value = 0. self.calculated_pdf = pdf_value return pdf_value
[docs]class Normal(ProbabilisticModel, Continuous):
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name='Normal'): """ This class implements a probabilistic model following a normal distribution with mean mu and variance sigma. Parameters ---------- parameters: list Contains the probabilistic models and hyperparameters from which the model derives. The list has two entries: from the first entry mean of the distribution and from the second entry variance is derived. Note that the second value of the list is strictly greater than 0. name: string The name that should be given to the probabilistic model in the journal file. """ if not isinstance(parameters, list): raise TypeError('Input for Normal has to be of type list.') if len(parameters)<2: raise ValueError('Input for Normal has to be of length 2.') input_parameters = InputConnector.from_list(parameters) super(Normal, self).__init__(input_parameters, name) self.visited = False
def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Returns True if the standard deviation is negative. """ if len(input_values) != 2: return False if input_values[1] <= 0: return False return True def _check_output(self, parameters): """ Checks parameter values that are given as fixed values. """ return True
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """ Samples from a normal distribution using the current values for each probabilistic model from which the model derives. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function k: integer The number of samples that should be drawn. rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used. The default value uses a random seed to initialize the generator. Returns ------- list: [np.ndarray] A list containing the sampled values as np-array. """ mu = input_values[0] sigma = input_values[1] result = np.array(rng.normal(mu, sigma, k)) return [np.array([x]) for x in result]
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return 1
## Why does the following not work here? ## return self._dimension
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x. Commonly used to determine whether perturbed parameters are still valid according to the pdf. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters of the from [mu, sigma] x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- Float: The evaluated pdf at point x. """ mu = input_values[0] sigma = input_values[1] pdf = norm(mu,sigma).pdf(x) self.calculated_pdf = pdf return pdf
[docs]class StudentT(ProbabilisticModel, Continuous):
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name='StudentT'): """ This class implements a probabilistic model following the Student's T-distribution. Parameters ---------- parameters: list Contains the probabilistic models and hyperparameters from which the model derives. The list has two entries: from the first entry mean of the distribution and from the second entry degrees of freedom is derived. Note that the second value of the list is strictly greater than 0. name: string The name that should be given to the probabilistic model in the journal file. """ if not isinstance(parameters, list): raise TypeError('Input for StudentT has to be of type list.') if len(parameters)<2: raise ValueError('Input for StudentT has to be of length 2.') input_parameters = InputConnector.from_list(parameters) super(StudentT, self).__init__(input_parameters, name) self.visited = False
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """ Samples from a Student's T-distribution using the current values for each probabilistic model from which the model derives. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function k: integer The number of samples that should be drawn. rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used. The default value uses a random seed to initialize the generator. Returns ------- list: [np.ndarray] A list containing the sampled values as np-array. """ mean = input_values[0] df = input_values[1] result = np.array((rng.standard_t(df,k)+mean)) return [np.array([x]) for x in result]
def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Checks parameter values sampled from the parents of the probabilistic model. Returns False iff the degrees of freedom are smaller than or equal to 0. """ if len(input_values) != 2: return False if input_values[1] <= 0: return False return True def _check_output(self, parameters): """ Checks parameter values given as fixed values. """ return True
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return 1
## Why does the following not work here? ## return self._dimension
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x. Commonly used to determine whether perturbed parameters are still valid according to the pdf. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- Float: The evaluated pdf at point x. """ df = input_values[1] x-=input_values[0] #divide by std dev if we include that pdf = gamma((df+1)/2)/(np.sqrt(df*np.pi)*gamma(df/2)*(1+x**2/df)**((df+1)/2)) self.calculated_pdf = pdf return pdf
[docs]class MultivariateNormal(ProbabilisticModel, Continuous):
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name='Multivariate Normal'): """ This class implements a probabilistic model following a multivariate normal distribution with mean and covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- parameters: list of at length 2 Contains the probabilistic models and hyperparameters from which the model derives. The first entry defines the mean, while the second entry defines the Covariance matrix. Note that if the mean is n dimensional, the covariance matrix is required to be of dimension nxn, symmetric and positive-definite. name: string The name that should be given to the probabilistic model in the journal file. """ # convert user input to InputConnector object if not isinstance(parameters, list): raise TypeError('Input for Multivariate Normal has to be of type list.') if len(parameters)<2: raise ValueError('Input for Multivariate Normal has to be of length 2.') if not isinstance(parameters[0], list): raise TypeError('Input for mean of MultivarateNormal has to be of type list.') if not isinstance(parameters[1], list): raise TypeError('Input for covariance of MultivarateNormal has to be of type list.') ## This part confuses me as you say mean may not be list!! mean = parameters[0] if isinstance(mean, list): self._dimension = len(mean) input_parameters = InputConnector.from_list(parameters) elif isinstance(mean, ProbabilisticModel): self._dimension = mean.get_output_dimension() input_parameters = parameters super(MultivariateNormal, self).__init__(input_parameters, name) self.visited = False
def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Checks parameter values sampled from the parents at initialization. Returns False iff the covariance matrix is not symmetric or not positive definite. """ # Test whether input in compatible dim = self._dimension param_ctn = len(input_values) if param_ctn != dim+dim**2: return False cov = np.array(input_values[dim:dim+dim**2]).reshape((dim,dim)) # Check whether the covariance matrix is symmetric if not np.allclose(cov, cov.T, atol=1e-3): return False # Check whether the covariance matrix is positive definite try: is_pos = np.linalg.cholesky(cov) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return False return True def _check_output(self, parameters): """ Checks parameter values that are given as fixed values. """ return True
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """ Samples from a multivariate normal distribution using the current values for each probabilistic model from which the model derives. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function k: integer The number of samples that should be drawn. rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used. The default value uses a random seed to initialize the generator. Returns ------- list: [np.ndarray] A list containing the sampled values as np-array. """ dim = self.get_output_dimension() mean = np.array(input_values[0:dim]) cov = np.array(input_values[dim:dim+dim**2]).reshape((dim, dim)) result = rng.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, k) return [np.array([result[i,:]]).reshape(-1,) for i in range(k)]
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return self._dimension
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x. Commonly used to determine whether perturbed parameters are still valid according to the pdf. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- Float: The evaluated pdf at point x. """ dim = self._dimension # Extract parameters mean = np.array(input_values[0:dim]) cov = np.array(input_values[dim:dim+dim**2]).reshape((dim, dim)) pdf = multivariate_normal(mean, cov).pdf(x) self.calculated_pdf = pdf return pdf
[docs]class MultiStudentT(ProbabilisticModel, Continuous):
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name='MultiStudentT'): """ This class implements a probabilistic model following the multivariate Student-T distribution. Parameters ---------- parameters: list All but the last two entries contain the probabilistic models and hyperparameters from which the model derives. The second to last entry contains the covariance matrix. If the mean is of dimension n, the covariance matrix is required to be nxn dimensional. The last entry contains the degrees of freedom. name: string The name that should be given to the probabilistic model in the journal file. """ if not isinstance(parameters, list): raise TypeError('Input for Multivariate StudentT has to be of type list.') if len(parameters)<3: raise ValueError('Input for Multivariate Student T has to be of length 3.') if not isinstance(parameters[0], list): raise TypeError('Input for mean of Multivariate Student T has to be of type list.') if not isinstance(parameters[1], list): raise TypeError('Input for covariance of Multivariate Student T has to be of type list.') mean = parameters[0] if isinstance(mean, list): self._dimension = len(mean) input_parameters = InputConnector.from_list(parameters) elif isinstance(mean, ProbabilisticModel): self._dimension = mean.get_output_dimension() input_parameters = parameters super(MultiStudentT, self).__init__(input_parameters, name) self.visited = False
def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Returns False iff the degrees of freedom are less than or equal to 0, the covariance matrix is not symmetric or the covariance matrix is not positive definite. """ dim = self._dimension param_ctn = len(input_values) if param_ctn > dim+dim**2+1 or param_ctn < dim+dim**2+1: return False # Extract parameters mean = np.array(input_values[0:dim]) cov = np.array(input_values[dim:dim+dim**2]).reshape((dim, dim)) df = input_values[-1] # Check whether the covariance matrix is symmetric if not np.allclose(cov, cov.T, atol=1e-3): return False # Check whether the covariance matrix is positive definite try: is_pos = np.linalg.cholesky(cov) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return False # Check whether the degrees of freedom are <=0 if df <= 0: return False return True def _check_output(self, parameters): """ Checks parameter values given as fixed values. """ return True
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """ Samples from a multivariate Student's T-distribution using the current values for each probabilistic model from which the model derives. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function k: integer The number of samples that should be drawn. rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used. The default value uses a random seed to initialize the generator. Returns ------- list: [np.ndarray] A list containing the sampled values as np-array. """ # Extract input_parameters dim = self.get_output_dimension() mean = np.array(input_values[0:dim]) cov = np.array(input_values[dim:dim+dim**2]).reshape((dim, dim)) df = input_values[-1] if (df == np.inf): chisq = 1.0 else: chisq = rng.chisquare(df, k) / df chisq = chisq.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(dim, axis=1) mvn = rng.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), cov, k) result = (mean + np.divide(mvn, np.sqrt(chisq))) return [np.array([result[i, :]]).reshape(-1, ) for i in range(k)]
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return self._dimension
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x. Commonly used to determine whether perturbed parameters are still valid according to the pdf. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- Float: The evaluated pdf at point x. """ dim = self.get_output_dimension() # Extract parameters mean = np.array(input_values[0:dim]) cov = np.array(input_values[dim:dim+dim**2]).reshape((dim, dim)) df = input_values[-1] p=len(mean) numerator = gamma((df + p) / 2) denominator = gamma(df / 2) * pow(df * np.pi, p / 2.) * np.sqrt(abs(np.linalg.det(cov))) normalizing_const = numerator / denominator tmp = 1 + 1 / df * - mean), np.linalg.inv(cov)), (x - mean)) density = normalizing_const * pow(tmp, -((df + p) / 2.)) self.calculated_pdf = density return density