Source code for abcpy.probabilisticmodels

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np

[docs]class InputConnector():
[docs] def __init__(self, dimension): """ Creates input parameters of given dimensionality. Each dimension needs to be specified using the set method. Parameters ---------- dimension: int Dimensionality of the input parameters. """ self._all_indices_specified = False self._dimension = dimension self._models = [None]*dimension self._model_indices = [None]*dimension
[docs] def from_number(number): """ Convenient initializer that converts a number to a hyperparameter input parameter. Parameters ---------- number Returns ------- InputConnector """ if isinstance(number, Number): input_parameters = InputConnector(1) input_parameters.set(0, Hyperparameter(number), 0) return input_parameters else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type.')
[docs] def from_model(model): """ Convenient initializer that converts the full output of a model to input parameters. Parameters ---------- ProbabilisticModel Returns ------- InputConnector """ if isinstance(model, ProbabilisticModel): input_parameters = InputConnector(model.get_output_dimension()) for i in range(model.get_output_dimension()): input_parameters.set(i, model, i) return input_parameters else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type.')
[docs] def from_list(parameters): """ Creates an InputParameters object from a list of ProbabilisticModels. In this case, number of input parameters equals the sum of output dimensions of all models in the parameter list. Further, the output and models are connected to the input parameters in the order they appear in the parameter list. For convenience, - the parameter list can contain nested lists - the method also accepts numbers instead of models, which are automatically converted to hyper parameters. Parameters ---------- parameters: list A list of ProbabilisticModels Returns ------- InputConnector """ if isinstance(parameters, list): unnested_parameters = [] parameters_count = 0 for item in parameters: input_parameters_from_item = item if isinstance(item, list): input_parameters_from_item = InputConnector.from_list(item) elif isinstance(item, (Hyperparameter, ProbabilisticModel)): input_parameters_from_item = InputConnector.from_model(item) elif isinstance(item, Number): input_parameters_from_item = InputConnector.from_number(item) elif not isinstance(item, InputConnector): raise TypeError('Unsupported type.') unnested_parameters.append(input_parameters_from_item) parameters_count += input_parameters_from_item.get_parameter_count() # here, unnested_parameters is a list of InputConnector and parameters_count hold the total number of # parameters in this list input_parameters = InputConnector(parameters_count) index = 0 for param in unnested_parameters: for pi in range(0, param.get_parameter_count()): input_parameters.set(index, param._models[pi], param._model_indices[pi]) index += 1 return input_parameters else: raise TypeError('Input is not a list')
def __getitem__(self, index): """ For the input models, return those fixed value(s) that are specified by index. In case a value of an input model is not (yet) fixed, None is returned. In other words, if the input models are interpreted as random variables, this method returns a realization for all random variables used as input parameter, which is specified by 'index'. Parameters ---------- index: int, slice Returns ------- int, float, list, None """ # index is a single number if isinstance (index, Number): model = self._models[index] model_index = self._model_indices[index] if model.get_stored_output_values() is None: return None else: output_values = model.get_stored_output_values() return output_values[model_index] # index is a slice elif isinstance(index, slice): result = [] for i in range(index.start, index.stop): val = self[i] if val != None: result.append(val) else: return None return result
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Returns the fixed values of all input models. Returns ------- np.array """ result = [0]*self._dimension for i in range(0, self._dimension): result[i] = self.__getitem__(i) return result
[docs] def get_models(self): """ Returns a list of all models. Returns ------- list """ return self._models
[docs] def get_model(self, index): """ Returns the model at index. Returns ------- ProbabilisticModel """ return self._models[index]
[docs] def get_parameter_count(self): """ Returns the number of parameters. Returns ------- int """ return self._dimension
[docs] def set(self, index, model, model_index): """ Sets for an input parameter index the input model and the model index to use. For convenience, model can also be a number, which is automatically casted to a hyper parameter. Parameters ---------- index: int Index of the input parameter to be set. model: ProbabilisticModel, Number The model to be set for the input parameter. model_index: int Index of model's output to be used as input parameter. """ if isinstance(model, Number): model = Hyperparameter(model) self._models[index] = model self._model_indices[index] = model_index if (self._models != None): self._all_indices_specified = True
[docs] def all_models_fixed_values(self): """ Checks whether all input models have fixed an output value (pseudo data). In order get a fixed output value (a realization of the random variable described by the model) a model has to run a forward simulation, which is not done automatically upon initialization. Returns ------- boolean """ for model in self._models: if model.get_stored_output_values() is None: return False return True
[docs]class ProbabilisticModel(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ This abstract class represents all probabilistic models. """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_connector, name=''): """ This initializer *must be* called from any derived class to properly connect it to its input models. It accepts as input an InputConnector object that fully specifies how to connect all parent models to the current model. Parameters ---------- input_connector: list A list of input parameters. name: string A human readable name for the model. Can be the variable name for example. """ # set name = name # parameters is of type InputConnector if isinstance(input_connector, InputConnector): if input_connector.all_models_fixed_values() and self._check_input(input_connector.get_values()) == False: raise ValueError('Input parameters are not compatible with current model.') self._parameters = input_connector else: raise TypeError('Input parameters are of wrong type.') self._fixed_values = None # A flag indicating whether the model has been touched during a recursive operation self.visited = False self.calculated_pdf = None
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Overloads the access operator. If the access operator is called, a tupel of the ProbablisticModel that called the operator and the index at which it was called is returned. Commonly used at initialization of new probabilistic models to specify a mapping between model outputs and parameters. Parameters ---------- item: integer The index in the output of the parent model which should be linked to the parameter being defined. """ if isinstance(item, Number): if(item>=self.get_output_dimension()): raise IndexError('The specified index lies out of range for probabilistic model %s.'%(self.__class__.__name__)) input_parameters = InputConnector(1) input_parameters.set(0, self, item) return input_parameters else: raise TypeError('Input of unsupported type.')
[docs] def get_input_values(self): """ Returns the input values from the parent models as a list. Commonly used when sampling from the distribution. Returns ------- list """ return self.get_input_connector().get_values()
[docs] def get_input_models(self): """ Returns a list of all input models. Returns ------- list """ input_connector = self.get_input_connector() return input_connector.get_models()
[docs] def get_stored_output_values(self): """ Returns the stored sampled value of the probabilistic model after setting the values explicitly. At initialization the function should return None. Returns ------- numpy.array or None. """ return self._fixed_values
[docs] def get_input_connector(self): """ Returns the input connector object that connecects the current model to its parents. In case of no dependencies, this function should return None. Returns ------- InputConnector, None """ return self._parameters
[docs] def get_input_dimension(self): """ Returns the input dimension of the current model. Returns ------- int """ return self._parameters._dimension
[docs] def set_output_values(self, values): """ Sets the output values of the model. This method is commonly used to set new values after perturbing the old ones. Parameters ---------- values: numpy array or dimension equal to output dimension. Returns ------- boolean Returns True if it was possible to set the values, false otherwise. """ if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Elements of input list are not of type numpy array.') if values.shape[0] != self.get_output_dimension(): raise IndexError('Size of input list not equal to number output dimensions.') if self._check_output(values): self._fixed_values = values return True return False
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Overload the + operator for probabilistic models. Parameters ---------- other: probabilistic model or Hyperparameter The model to be added to self. Returns ------- SummationModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from summation. """ return SummationModel([self,other])
def __radd__(self, other): """Overload the + operator from the righthand side to support addition of Hyperparameters from the left. Parameters ---------- Other: Hyperparameter The hyperparameter to be added to self. Returns ------- SummationModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from summation. """ return SummationModel([other, self])
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Overload the - operator for probabilistic models. Parameters ---------- other: probabilistic model or Hyperparameter The model to be subtracted from self. Returns ------- SubtractionModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from subtraction. """ return SubtractionModel([self, other])
def __rsub__(self, other): """Overload the - operator from the righthand side to support subtraction of Hyperparameters from the left. Parameters ---------- Other: Hyperparameter The hyperparameter to be subtracted from self. Returns ------- SubtractionModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from subtraction. """ return SubtractionModel([other,self])
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Overload the * operator for probabilistic models. Parameters ---------- other: probabilistic model or Hyperparameter The model to be multiplied with self. Returns ------- MultiplicationModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from multiplication. """ return MultiplicationModel([self,other])
def __rmul__(self, other): """Overload the * operator from the righthand side to support subtraction of Hyperparameters from the left. Parameters ---------- Other: Hyperparameter The hyperparameter to be subtracted from self. Returns ------- MultiplicationModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from multiplication. """ return MultiplicationModel([other,self])
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): """Overload the / operator for probabilistic models. Parameters ---------- other: probabilistic model or Hyperparameter The model to be divide self. Returns ------- DivisionModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from division. """ return DivisionModel([self, other])
def __rtruediv__(self, other): """Overload the / operator from the righthand side to support subtraction of Hyperparameters from the left. Parameters ---------- Other: Hyperparameter The hyperparameter to be subtracted from self. Returns ------- DivisionModel A probabilistic model describing a model coming from division. """ return DivisionModel([other, self])
[docs] def __pow__(self, power, modulo=None): return ExponentialModel([self, power])
def __rpow__(self, other): return RExponentialModel([other, self]) def _forward_simulate_and_store_output(self, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Samples from the model associated and assigns the result to fixed_values, if applicable. Commonly used when sampling from the prior. Parameters ---------- rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used by the sampling function. Returns ------- boolean Check whether it was possible to set the parameters to sampled values. """ parameters_are_valid = self._check_input(self.get_input_values()) if(parameters_are_valid): sample_result = self.forward_simulate(self.get_input_values(), 1, rng=rng) if sample_result != None: self.set_output_values(sample_result[0]) return True return False
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x. Commonly used to determine whether perturbed parameters are still valid according to the pdf. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float: The pdf evaluated at point x. """ # If the probabilistic model is discrete, there is no probability density function, but a probability mass function. This check ensures that calling the pdf of such a model still works. if(isinstance(self, Discrete)): return self.pmf(input_values, x) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calculate_and_store_pdf_if_needed(self, x): """ Calculates the probability density function at point x and stores the result internally for later use. This function is intended to be used within the inference computation. Parameters ---------- x: list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. """ if self._calculated_pdf == None: self._calculated_pdf = self.pdf(self.get_input_values(), x)
[docs] def flush_stored_pdf(self): """ This function flushes the internally stored value of a previously computed pdf. """ self._calculated_pdf = None
[docs] def get_stored_pdf(self): """ Retrieves the value of a previously calculated pdf. Returns ------- number """ return self._calculated_pdf
[docs] @abstractmethod def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Check whether the input parameters are compatible with the underlying model. The following behavior is expected: 1. If the input is of wrong type or has the wrong format, this method should *raise an exception*. For example, if the number of parameters does not match what the model expects. 2. If the values of the input models are not compatible, this method should return False. For example, if an input value is not from the expected domain. Background information: Many inference schemes modify the input slightly by applying a small perturbation during sampling. This method is called to check whether the perturbation yields a reasonable input to the current model. In case this function returns False, the inference schemes re-perturb the input and try again. If the check is not done properly, the inference computation might **crash** or **not terminate**. Parameters ---------- input_values: list A list of numbers that are the concatenation of all parent model outputs in the order specified by the InputConnector object that was passed during initialization. Returns ------- boolean True if the fixed value of the parameters can be used as input for the current model. False otherwise. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def _check_output(self, values): """ Checks whether values contains a reasonable output of the current model. Parameters ---------- values: numpy array Array of shape (get_output_dimension(),) that contains the model output. Returns ------- boolean Return false if values cannot possibly be generated from the model and true otherwise. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng, mpi_comm): """ Provides the output (pseudo data) from a forward simulation of the current model. In case the model is intended to be used as input for another model, a forward simulation **must** return a list of k numpy arrays with shape (get_output_dimension(),). In case the model is directly used for inference, and not as input for another model, a forward simulation also must return a list, but the elements can be arbitrarily defined. In this case it is only important that the used statistics and distance functions can read the input. Parameters ---------- input_values: list A list of numbers that are the concatenation of all parent model outputs in the order specified by the InputConnector object that was passed during initialization. k: integer The number of forward simulations that should be run rng: Random number generator Defines the random number generator to be used. The default value uses a random seed to initialize the generator. Returns ------- list A list of *k* elements, where each element is of type numpy arary and represents the result of a single forward simulation. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_output_dimension(self): """ Provides the output dimension of the current model. This function is in particular important if the current model is used as an input for other models. In such a case it is assumed that the output is always a vector of int or float. The length of the vector is the dimension that should be returned here. Returns ------- int: The dimension of the output vector of a single forward simulation. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Continuous(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ This abstract class represents all continuous probabilistic models. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def pdf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability density function of the model. Parameters ---------- input_values: list A list of numbers that are the concatenation of all parent model outputs in the order specified by the InputConnector object that was passed during initialization. x: float The location at which the probability density function should be evaluated. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Discrete(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ This abstract class represents all discrete probabilistic models. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def pmf(self, input_values, x): """ Calculates the probability mass function of the model. Parameters ---------- input_values: list A list of numbers that are the concatenation of all parent model outputs in the order specified by the InputConnector object that was passed during initialization. x: float The location at which the probability mass function should be evaluated. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Hyperparameter(ProbabilisticModel): """ This class represents all hyperparameters (i.e. fixed parameters). """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, name='Hyperparameter'): """ Parameters ---------- value: list The values to which the hyperparameter should be set """ # A hyperparameter is defined by the fact that it does not have any parents = name self._fixed_values = np.array([value]) self.visited = False
def _forward_simulate_and_store_output(self, rng=np.random.RandomState()): self.visited = True return True def _check_input(self, input_values): """ Hyperparameters have no input, thus we only accept None. """ if not isinstance(input_values, list): raise TypeError if len(input_values) == 0: return True return False def _check_output(self, values): return False
[docs] def set_output_values(self, values, rng=np.random.RandomState()): if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Input not a numpy.array.') if values.shape[0] != 1: raise IndexError('Dimensions not matching.') return False
[docs] def get_input_dimension(self): return 0;
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return 1;
[docs] def get_input_connector(self): return None
[docs] def get_input_models(self): return []
[docs] def get_input_values(self): return []
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): return [np.array(self._fixed_values) for _ in range(k)]
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): # Mathematically, the expression for the pdf of a hyperparameter should be: if(x==self.fixed_parameters) return # 1; else return 0; However, since the pdf is called recursively for the whole model structure, and pdfs # multiply, this would mean that all pdfs become 0. Setting the return value to 1 ensures proper calulation of # the overall pdf. return 1.
[docs]class ModelResultingFromOperation(ProbabilisticModel): """This class implements probabilistic models returned after performing an operation on two probabilistic models """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name=''): """ Parameters ---------- parameters: list List containing two probabilistic models that should be added together. """ if len(parameters) != 2: raise TypeError('Input list does not contain two models.') # here, parameters contains exactly two elements model_output_dim = [0, 0] for i, model in enumerate(parameters): if isinstance(model, ProbabilisticModel): model_output_dim[i] = model.get_output_dimension() elif isinstance(model, Number): model_output_dim[i] = 1 else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type.') # here, model_output_dim contains the dim of both input models if model_output_dim[0] != model_output_dim[1]: raise ValueError('The provided models are not of equal dimension.') self._dimension = 1 input_parameters = InputConnector.from_list(parameters) super(ModelResultingFromOperation, self).__init__(input_parameters, name)
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): raise NotImplementedError
def _check_input(self, input_values): return True def _check_output(self, parameters): """Checks parameters while setting them. Provided due to inheritance.""" return True
[docs] def get_output_dimension(self): return self._dimension
[docs] def pdf(self, input_values, x): """Calculates the probability density function at point x. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input parameters, in the same order as specified in the InputConnector passed to the init function x: float or list The point at which the pdf should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The probability density function evaluated at point x. """ # Since the nodes provided as input have to be independent, the resulting pdf will be pdf(parent 1)*pfd(parent 2). During the recursive graph action, this is calculated automatically, so the pdf at this node is expected to be 1 return 1.
[docs] def sample_from_input_models(self, k, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Return for each input model k samples. Parameters ---------- k: int Specifies the number of samples to generate from each input model. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of type ProbabilisticModel:[], where the list contains k samples of the corresponding model. """ model_samples = {} # Store the visited state of all input models visited_state = [False] * self.get_input_dimension() for i in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): visited_state[i] = self.get_input_connector().get_model(i).visited # Set visited flag of all input models to False for i in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): self.get_input_connector().get_model(i).visited = False # forward simulate each input model to get fixed input for the current model for i in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(i) if not model.visited: model_has_valid_parameters = model._check_input(model.get_input_values()) if model_has_valid_parameters: model_samples[model] = model.forward_simulate(model.get_input_values(), k, rng=rng) model.visited = True else: raise ValueError('Model %s has invalid input parameters.' % # Restore the visited state of all input models for i in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): self.get_input_connector().get_model(i).visited = visited_state[i] return model_samples
[docs]class SummationModel(ModelResultingFromOperation): """This class represents all probabilistic models resulting from an addition of two probabilistic models"""
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """Adds the sampled values of both parent distributions. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input values k: integer The number of samples that should be sampled rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list: The first entry is True, it is always possible to sample, given two parent values. The second entry is the sum of the parents values. """ return_value = [] # we need to obtain new samples of the parents for each sample (if we just use get_input_values, we will # have k identical samples) model_samples = self.sample_from_input_models(k, rng) for i in range(k): parameter_values = [0 for i in range(self.get_input_dimension())] for j in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(j) parameter_values[j] = model_samples[model][i] # add the corresponding parameter_values sample_value = [] for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): sample_value.append(parameter_values[j]+parameter_values[j+self.get_output_dimension()]) if(len(sample_value)==1): sample_value=sample_value[0] return_value.append(sample_value) return return_value
[docs]class SubtractionModel(ModelResultingFromOperation): """This class represents all probabilistic models resulting from an subtraction of two probabilistic models"""
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """Adds the sampled values of both parent distributions. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input values k: integer The number of samples that should be sampled rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list: The first entry is True, it is always possible to sample, given two parent values. The second entry is the difference of the parents values. """ return_value = [] sample_value = [] model_samples = self.sample_from_input_models(k, rng) for i in range(k): parameter_values = [0 for i in range(self.get_input_dimension())] for j in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(j) parameter_values[j] = model_samples[model][i] # subtract the corresponding parameter_values sample_value = [] for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): sample_value.append(parameter_values[j] - parameter_values[j + self.get_output_dimension()]) if(len(sample_value)==1): sample_value=sample_value[0] return_value.append(sample_value) return return_value
[docs]class MultiplicationModel(ModelResultingFromOperation): """This class represents all probabilistic models resulting from a multiplication of two probabilistic models"""
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """Multiplies the sampled values of both parent distributions element wise. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input values k: integer The number of samples that should be sampled rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list: The first entry is True, it is always possible to sample, given two parent values. The second entry is the product of the parents values. """ return_value = [] model_samples = self.sample_from_input_models(k, rng) for i in range(k): parameter_values = [0 for i in range(self.get_input_dimension())] for j in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(j) parameter_values[j] = model_samples[model][i] # multiply the corresponding parameter_values sample_value = [] for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): sample_value.append(parameter_values[j] * parameter_values[j+self.get_output_dimension()]) if (len(sample_value) == 1): sample_value = sample_value[0] return_value.append(sample_value) return return_value
[docs]class DivisionModel(ModelResultingFromOperation): """This class represents all probabilistic models resulting from a division of two probabilistic models"""
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_valus, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """Divides the sampled values of both parent distributions. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input values k: integer The number of samples that should be sampled rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list: The first entry is True, it is always possible to sample, given two parent values. The second entry is the fraction of the parents values. """ return_value = [] model_samples = self.sample_from_input_models(k, rng) for i in range(k): parameter_values = [0 for i in range(self.get_input_dimension())] for j in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(j) parameter_values[j] = model_samples[model][i] # divide the corresponding parameter_values sample_value = [] for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): sample_value.append(parameter_values[j]/parameter_values[j + self.get_output_dimension()]) return_value += sample_value return return_value
[docs]class ExponentialModel(ModelResultingFromOperation): """This class represents all probabilistic models resulting from an exponentiation of two probabilistic models"""
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name=''): """ Specific initializer for exponential models that does additional checks. Parameters ---------- parameters: list List of probabilistic models that should be added together. """ exp = parameters[1] if isinstance(exp, ProbabilisticModel): if exp.get_output_dimension() != 1: raise ValueError('The exponent can only be 1 dimensional.') super(ExponentialModel, self).__init__(parameters, name)
def _check_input(self, input_values): return True
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """Raises the sampled values of the base by the exponent. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input values k: integer The number of samples that should be sampled rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list: The first entry is True, it is always possible to sample, given two parent values. The second entry is the exponential of the parents values. """ result = [] model_samples = self.sample_from_input_models(k, rng) for i in range(k): parameter_values = [0 for i in range(self.get_input_dimension())] for j in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(j) parameter_values[j] = model_samples[model][i] power = parameter_values[-1] sample_value = [] for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): sample_value.append(parameter_values[j]**power) result.append(np.array(sample_value)) return result
[docs]class RExponentialModel(ModelResultingFromOperation): """This class represents all probabilistic models resulting from an exponentiation of a Hyperparameter by another probabilistic model."""
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, name=''): """ Specific initializer for exponential models that does additional checks. Parameters ---------- parameters: list List of probabilistic models that should be added together. """ exp = parameters[1] if isinstance(exp, ProbabilisticModel): if exp.get_output_dimension() != 1: raise ValueError('The exponent can only be 1 dimensional.') super(RExponentialModel, self).__init__(parameters, name)
def _check_input(self, input_values): return True
[docs] def forward_simulate(self, input_values, k, rng=np.random.RandomState(), mpi_comm=None): """Raises the base by the sampled value of the exponent. Parameters ---------- input_values: list List of input values k: integer The number of samples that should be sampled rng: random number generator The random number generator to be used. Returns ------- list: The first entry is True, it is always possible to sample, given two parent values. The second entry is the exponential of the parents values. """ result = [] model_samples = self.sample_from_input_models(k, rng) for i in range(k): parameter_values = [0 for i in range(self.get_input_dimension())] for j in range(0, self.get_input_dimension()): model = self.get_input_connector().get_model(j) parameter_values[j] = model_samples[model][i] power = parameter_values[0] sample_value = [] for j in range(self.get_output_dimension()): sample_value.append(parameter_values[j] ** power) result.append(sample_value) return [np.array(result)]