Source code for abcpy.approx_lhd

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from glmnet import LogitNet
from sklearn.covariance import ledoit_wolf

from abcpy.graphtools import GraphTools

[docs]class Approx_likelihood(metaclass=ABCMeta): """This abstract base class defines the approximate likelihood function. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, statistics_calc): """ The constructor of a sub-class must accept a non-optional statistics calculator, which is stored to self.statistics_calc. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.stasistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] @abstractmethod def loglikelihood(self, y_obs, y_sim): """To be overwritten by any sub-class: should compute the approximate loglikelihood value given the observed data set y_obs and the data set y_sim simulated from model set at the parameter value. Parameters ---------- y_obs: Python list Observed data set. y_sim: Python list Simulated data set from model at the parameter value. Returns ------- float Computed approximate loglikelihood. """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def likelihood(self, y_obs, y_sim): return np.exp(self.loglikelihood(y_obs, y_sim))
[docs]class SynLikelihood(Approx_likelihood): """This class implements the approximate likelihood function which computes the approximate likelihood using the synthetic likelihood approach described in Wood [1]. For synthetic likelihood approximation, we compute the robust precision matrix using Ledoit and Wolf's [2] method. [1] S. N. Wood. Statistical inference for noisy nonlinear ecological dynamic systems. Nature, 466(7310):1102–1104, Aug. 2010. [2] O. Ledoit and M. Wolf, A Well-Conditioned Estimator for Large-Dimensional Covariance Matrices, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 88, Issue 2, pages 365-411, February 2004. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc): self.stat_obs = None self.data_set = None self.statistics_calc = statistics_calc
[docs] def loglikelihood(self, y_obs, y_sim): # print("DEBUG: SynLikelihood.likelihood().") if not isinstance(y_obs, list): # print("type(y_obs) : ", type(y_obs), " , type(y_sim) : ", type(y_sim)) # print("y_obs : ", y_obs) raise TypeError('Observed data is not of allowed types') if not isinstance(y_sim, list): raise TypeError('simulated data is not of allowed types') # Check whether y_obs is same as the stored dataset. if self.data_set is not None: if len(y_obs) != len(self.data_set): self.dataSame = False elif len(np.array(y_obs[0]).reshape(-1, )) == 1: self.dataSame = self.data_set == y_obs else: # otherwise it fails when y_obs[0] is array self.dataSame = all( [(np.array(self.data_set[i]) == np.array(y_obs[i])).all() for i in range(len(y_obs))]) if self.stat_obs is None or self.dataSame is False: self.stat_obs = self.statistics_calc.statistics(y_obs) self.data_set = y_obs # Extract summary statistics from the simulated data stat_sim = self.statistics_calc.statistics(y_sim) # Compute the mean, robust precision matrix and determinant of precision matrix mean_sim = np.mean(stat_sim, 0) lw_cov_, _ = ledoit_wolf(stat_sim) robust_precision_sim = np.linalg.inv(lw_cov_) sign_logdet, robust_precision_sim_logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(robust_precision_sim) # we do not need sign # print("DEBUG: combining.") # we may have different observation; loop on those now: # likelihoods = np.zeros(self.stat_obs.shape[0]) # for i, single_stat_obs in enumerate(self.stat_obs): # x_new = np.einsum('i,ij,j->', single_stat_obs - mean_sim, robust_precision_sim, single_stat_obs - mean_sim) # likelihoods[i] = np.exp(-0.5 * x_new) # do without for loop: diff = self.stat_obs - mean_sim.reshape(1, -1) x_news = np.einsum('bi,ij,bj->b', diff, robust_precision_sim, diff) logliks = -0.5 * x_news # looks like we are exponentiating the determinant as well, which is wrong; # this is however a constant which should not change the algorithms afterwards. logfactor = 0.5 * self.stat_obs.shape[0] * (np.log(1 / (2 * np.pi)) + robust_precision_sim_logdet) return np.sum(logliks) + logfactor # compute the sum of the different loglikelihoods for each observation
[docs]class PenLogReg(Approx_likelihood, GraphTools): """This class implements the approximate likelihood function which computes the approximate likelihood up to a constant using penalized logistic regression described in Dutta et. al. [1]. It takes one additional function handler defining the true model and two additional parameters n_folds and n_simulate correspondingly defining number of folds used to estimate prediction error using cross-validation and the number of simulated dataset sampled from each parameter to approximate the likelihood function. For lasso penalized logistic regression we use glmnet of Friedman et. al. [2]. [1] Thomas, O., Dutta, R., Corander, J., Kaski, S., & Gutmann, M. U. (2020). Likelihood-free inference by ratio estimation. Bayesian Analysis. [2] Friedman, J., Hastie, T., and Tibshirani, R. (2010). Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent. Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 1–22. Parameters ---------- statistics_calc : abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics extractor object that conforms to the Statistics class. model : abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. n_simulate : int Number of data points to simulate for the reference data set; this has to be the same as n_samples_per_param when calling the sampler. The reference data set is generated by drawing parameters from the prior and samples from the model when PenLogReg is instantiated. n_folds: int, optional Number of folds for cross-validation. The default value is 10. max_iter: int, optional Maximum passes over the data. The default is 100000. seed: int, optional Seed for the random number generator. The used glmnet solver is not deterministic, this seed is used for determining the cv folds. The default value is None. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statistics_calc, model, n_simulate, n_folds=10, max_iter=100000, seed=None): self.model = model self.statistics_calc = statistics_calc self.n_folds = n_folds self.n_simulate = n_simulate self.seed = seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) self.max_iter = max_iter # Simulate reference data and extract summary statistics from the reference data self.ref_data_stat = self._simulate_ref_data(rng=self.rng)[0] self.stat_obs = None self.data_set = None
[docs] def loglikelihood(self, y_obs, y_sim): if not isinstance(y_obs, list): raise TypeError('Observed data is not of allowed types') if not isinstance(y_sim, list): raise TypeError('simulated data is not of allowed types') # Check whether y_obs is same as the stored dataset. if self.data_set is not None: # check that the the observations have the same length; if not, they can't be the same: if len(y_obs) != len(self.data_set): self.dataSame = False elif len(np.array(y_obs[0]).reshape(-1, )) == 1: self.dataSame = self.data_set == y_obs else: # otherwise it fails when y_obs[0] is array self.dataSame = all( [(np.array(self.data_set[i]) == np.array(y_obs[i])).all() for i in range(len(y_obs))]) if self.stat_obs is None or self.dataSame is False: self.stat_obs = self.statistics_calc.statistics(y_obs) self.data_set = y_obs # Extract summary statistics from the simulated data stat_sim = self.statistics_calc.statistics(y_sim) if not stat_sim.shape[0] == self.n_simulate: raise RuntimeError("The number of samples in the reference data set is not the same as the number of " "samples in the generated data. Please check that `n_samples` in the `sample()` method" "for the sampler is equal to `n_simulate` in PenLogReg.") # Compute the approximate likelihood for the y_obs given theta y = np.append(np.zeros(self.n_simulate), np.ones(self.n_simulate)) X = np.array(np.concatenate((stat_sim, self.ref_data_stat), axis=0)) # define here groups for cross-validation: groups = np.repeat(np.arange(self.n_folds), / self.n_folds))) groups = groups[:self.n_simulate].tolist() groups += groups # duplicate it as groups need to be defined for both datasets m = LogitNet(alpha=1, n_splits=self.n_folds, max_iter=self.max_iter, random_state=self.seed, scoring="log_loss") m =, y, groups=groups) result = -np.sum((m.intercept_ + np.sum(np.multiply(m.coef_, self.stat_obs), axis=1)), axis=0) return result
def _simulate_ref_data(self, rng=np.random.RandomState()): """ Simulate the reference data set. This code is run at the initialization of Penlogreg """ ref_data_stat = [[None] * self.n_simulate for i in range(len(self.model))] self.sample_from_prior(rng=rng) for model_index, model in enumerate(self.model): ind = 0 while ref_data_stat[model_index][-1] is None: data = model.forward_simulate(model.get_input_values(), 1, rng=rng) # this is wrong, it applies the computation of the statistic independently to the element of data[0]: # print("data[0]", data[0].tolist()) # data_stat = self.statistics_calc.statistics(data[0].tolist()) # print("stat of data[0]", data_stat) # print("data", data) data_stat = self.statistics_calc.statistics(data) # print("stat of data", data_stat) ref_data_stat[model_index][ind] = data_stat ind += 1 ref_data_stat[model_index] = np.squeeze(np.asarray(ref_data_stat[model_index])) return ref_data_stat